Whether its bug hunting in a city courtyard, counting stars, planting a neat little window box or building a cool woodland hideout, this brilliantly innovative activity book will open childrens eyes to an awesome outdoor playground. Packed with exciting stuff to do, make and discover, the activities are arranged in themed sections, from the garden, the woods, and the shore, through to rainy days, sunny days and night-time. This book is guaranteed to turn any stay-at-home kid (and their family) into an enthusiastic and accomplished outdoor adventurer!
عن المؤلف
Josie Jeffery is a seed activist, keen horticulturalist, and grassroots gardener. She grew up living in a bus with her family, who collected and distributed seeds and rescued tree saplings from roadsides on their travels. She studied Horticulture & Garden Design in Brighton, has been seedbombing for over ten years, and runs workshops. Josie is the author of
Seedbombs (2011)
Good Companions: the Mix & Match Guide to Companion Planting (2012),
Seedswap (2013) and
Outdoor Wonderland (Ivy Kids).
Alice Lickens is a London-based illustrator and designer. A recipient of the prestigious Maurice Sendak Fellowship for picture-book artists, she is also a member of the Zombie Collective of graphic artists.