مؤلف: Josip Stjepandić

Josip Stjepandić is head of business unit 3D Product Creation at PROSTEP AG, the leading product data integration company worldwide. He is in charge for consultancy  and solution development in the areas design methodology, supplier integration, systems engineering, knowledge based engineering, product data validation and visualization, configuration management and CAD data exchange for many industries (automotive, aerospace, shipbuilding, machinery). In the past he gathered strong research experience in these areas including his current research on digital factory. He is the author of various scientific articles and publications concerning virtual product creation.   Georg Rock has studied informatics at the University of Saarland and was there awarded a doctor’s degree. After a long period of research at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence Gmb H with key activities in the fields of formal software verification and security analysis he worked for several years as a senior consultant in automotive industry. Today Georg Rock is professor for Software Engineering at the University of Applied Science in Trier. His activities extend over wide areas such as smart systems engineering, concurrent engineering, requirements management, variant management, security analysis, and formal prover based analysis of complex development structures.   Cees Bil is an associate professor in aerospace engineering at RMIT University and he is a leading researcher in the fields of design of aerospace systems, multidisciplinary design optimization, knowledge-based engineering and through life support. He is coordinator for the postgraduate by research programs in aerospace and aviation and the Program Leader for Aerospace Design and Manufacturing Processes in the Sir Lawrence Wackett Centre. He received the William Sweet Smith Prize and the RMIT Research Publications Award for his research achievements. He is acouncilor in the RAe S Australian Division and AIAAFaculty Advisor and Deputy-Director Education for AIAA Region VII. He is also active in the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) as a member of the program committee and the Australian representative on ICAS Council.

5 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Josip Stjepandić

Josip Stjepandić & Georg Rock: Concurrent Engineering Approaches for Sustainable Product Development in a Multi-Disciplinary Environment
The CE Conference series is organized annually by the International Society for Productivity Enhancement (ISPE) and constitutes an important forum for international scientific exchange on concurrent …
Josip Stjepandić & Nel Wognum: Concurrent Engineering in the 21st Century
Presenting the gradual evolution of the concept of Concurrent Engineering (CE),  and the technical, social methods and tools that have been developed, including the many theoretical and practica …
Josip Stjepandić & Nel Wognum: Systems Engineering in Research and Industrial Practice
This book details the foundations, new developments and methods, applications, and current challenges of systems engineering (SE). It provides key insights into SE as a concept and as an approach bas …
Josip Stjepandić & Markus Sommer: DigiTwin: An Approach for Production Process Optimization in a Built Environment
The focus of this book is an application of Digital Twin as a concept and an approach, based on the most accurate view on a physical production system and its digital representation of complex engine …
Josip Stjepandić & Johannes Lützenberger: Generation and Update of a Digital Twin in a Process Plant
This book covers the most important subjects of digital twin in a process plant, including foundations, methods, achievements, and applications in a brownfield environment. Besides offering a variety …