Educating English Learners, Joyce W. Nutta and her colleagues offer practical tools for helping schools and teachers successfully integrate English learners into mainstream classrooms. Drawing on the One Plus model presented in their award-winning book, Preparing Every Teacher to Reach English Learners, the authors now turn their attention to the needs of K–12 teachers who typically have two or three English learners in their classrooms.
English learners are not a homogenous group, and the challenges they face vary tremendously. Nutta and her colleagues present protocols and case studies to help pre-service and in-service teachers understand the needs of English learners in their classrooms and differentiate instruction and assessment accordingly.
Woven throughout the book are the stories of Gero, Edith, Tasir, and Edgar, four case study students of different ages, backgrounds, and levels of English proficiency. The authors show how the protocols they provide can be applied to adapt sample lessons for students like these, across a range of grade levels, subject areas, and pedagogical approaches. Finally, the authors show how the system can be applied school-wide for a collaborative approach to meeting English learners’ needs.
قائمة المحتويات
Educating English Learners in Mainstream Classrooms 1
PART I Teaching Academic Subjects to English Learners
CHAPTER 1 Narrowing the Classroom Communication Gap for Academic Subjects 21
CHAPTER 2 Teaching Gero About American Symbols 57
Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies
CHAPTER 3 Teaching Edith About Earth’s Rotation 69
Inquiry-Based Learning and the Use of Technology
CHAPTER 5 Teaching Edgar Algebra 91
The Challenge of World Problems in Math
PART II Teaching Language Arts and Literacy to English Learners
CHAPTER 6 Targeted Language ARts and Literary Instruction 105
CHAPTER 7 Teaching Gero to Write About ‘My Favorite Pet’ 137
Language and Literacy in the Primary Grades
CHAPTER 8 Teaching Edith About Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes 151
Language and Literacy in the Intermediate Grades
CHAPTER 9 Teaching Tasir to Write a Persuasive Argument 167
Language and Literacy in Middle School
CHAPTER 10 Teaching Edgar to Analyze a Text-Based Argument 185
Language and Literacy in High School
CONCLUSION A Call for Collaboration 201
APPENDIX A The Academic Subjects Protocol 217
Making Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Accessible for English Learners
APPENDIX B The Language Arts Protocol 219
Scaffolding Instruction to Support English Learners’ Language and Literacy Skills
APPENDIX C Resources 221
The English Learner Achievement and ESOL Tapestry Web Sites
Notes 223
Acknowledgments 241
About the Authors 243
عن المؤلف
Edwidge Crevecoeur-Bryant is ESOL coordinator in the School of Education at Jacksonville University.