مؤلف: Jr. Louis D. Rubin

Louis D. Rubin, Jr., has been an author, an editor, a publisher, an artist, a newspaperman, and a university professor during his distinguished career. Rubin has served as chancellor of the Fellowship of Southern Writers, president of the Society for the Study of Southern Literature, and chairman of the American Literature Section of the Modern Language Association. Cofounder of Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, he has written and edited more than fifty books, including most recently The Summer the Archduke Died: Essays on Wars and Warriors, Where the Southern Cross the Yellow Dog: On Writers and Writing, and My Father”s People: A Family of Southern Jews. He lives near Pittsboro, North Carolina.

5 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Jr. Louis D. Rubin

Hal Crowther: Gather at the River
To read Hal Crowther is to find yourself agreeing with views on topics you never knew you cared so much about. In Gather at the River, Crowther extends the wide-angle vision of Southern life presente …
Jr. Louis D. Rubin: My Father’s People
Louis Rubin’s people on his father’s side were odd, inscrutable, and remarkable. In contrast to his mother’s family, who were "normal, good people devoid of mystery, " the ways of the Rubin …
Jr. Louis D. Rubin: Edge of the Swamp
The flowering of literary imagination known as the American Renaissance had few roots in the South. While Hawthorne, Emerson, Melville, Thoreau, and Whitman were creating a body of work that would en …
Louis D. Rubin: Uptown/Downtown in Old Charleston
A series of briskly paced renderings of the Holy City’s dual identities, written by an acclaimed native son. Growing up in Charleston in the 1930s and 1940s, accomplished storyteller Louis Rubin witn …
Vereen M. Bell: Achievement of Cormac McCarthy
Now back in print, Vereen M. Bell’s The Achievement of Cormac Mc Carthy was the first critical book devoted to an author who would become one of the most celebrated American writers of the late twent …