Beyond Reason relates Wagner’s works to the philosophical and cultural ideas of his time, centering on the four music dramas he created in the second half of his career:
Der Ring des Nibelungen,
Tristan und Isolde,
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, and
Parsifal. Karol Berger seeks to penetrate the “secret” of large-scale form in Wagner’s music dramas and to answer those critics, most prominently Nietzsche, who condemned Wagner for his putative inability to weld small expressive gestures into larger wholes. Organized by individual opera, this is essential reading for both musicologists and Wagner experts.
قائمة المحتويات
Prologue: Beyond Autonomy
The Uncanny Grace: A Gloss on Kleist’s Marionettes
Beyond Reason
Religion, the Enlightenment, the Counter-Enlightenment: The New Configuration
part one
1. The Secret of Music-Dramatic Form: Music Drama as Opera
2. Der Ring des Nibelungen: The Anarchist Utopia
Das Rheingold: The Fall
Die Walküre: How One Becomes Human
Act 1: Becoming Wagner
Act 2: Becoming Brünnhilde
Act 3: Waiting for the Hero
Siegfried: How One Becomes a Hero
Act 1: Getting the Sword
Act 2: Using It
Act 3: The Awakening
Götterdämmerung: The Apocalypse
Prologue: The Past and the Future
Act 1: The Entrapment 1
Act 2: The Entrapment 2
Act 3: Death and Transfiguration
The Myth of Revolution
part two
3. Tristan und Isolde: The Erotic Utopia
The Lyrical Axis
The Narrative Axis
The Orchestral Strand
The Music-Dramatic Form
The Myth of Will
4. Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg: Politics after Tristan
Act 1: The Knight’s Failure
Act 2: The Clerk’s Failure
Act 3, Part 1: A Lesson in Poetics
Act 3, Part 2: The Shoemaker’s Triumph
The Myth of Nation
5. Parsifal: Ethics after Tristan
The Communion Sequences of Acts 1 and 3
The Monologues of Acts 1 and 3
Act 2: The Kiss of Self-Knowledge
The Music-Dramatic Form
Eros and Agape
The Myth of Redemption
Epilogue: Wagner contra Nietzsche
Wagner and Nietzsche: A History of the Relationship
Becoming Nietzsche
Nietzsche contra Wagner, Wagner contra Nietzsche
Appendix 1. Das Rheingold: The Music-Dramatic Plan
Appendix 2. Die Walküre: The Music-Dramatic Plan
Appendix 3. Siegfried: The Music-Dramatic Plan
Appendix 4. Götterdämmerung: The Music-Dramatic Plan
Appendix 5. Tristan und Isolde: The Music-Dramatic Plan
Appendix 6. Die Meistersinger: The Music-Dramatic Plan
Appendix 7. Parsifal: The Music-Dramatic Plan
Abbreviations Used in Notes
Works Consulted
عن المؤلف
Karol Berger is Osgood Hooker Professor in Fine Arts, Emeritus, Department of Music, Stanford University. His award-winning books include Musica Ficta; A Theory of Art; and Bach’s Cycle, Mozart’s Arrow.