مؤلف: Katrina Maloney

Patricia M. Maloney grew up in Nebraska and came east to attend college. She and her husband, John, raised their three children in Connecticut. Now retired from her career as a director of Christian education, she spends her time traveling, reading and boating at her lake cottage, playing the organ and piano, and singing in local chorales.

2 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Katrina Maloney

Katrina Maloney & Patricia Maloney: Dearest Ones At Home
On November 5, 1917, Taylorville, Illinois native Clara Taylor stepped off a Trans-Siberian Railway train into a city then called Petrograd, Russia. Employed by the YWCA as an industrial expert, Clar …
Katrina Maloney & Patricia M. Maloney: With A Heart Full of Love
From the fall of 1918 to summer 1919, six YWCA women are attached to the North Russia Expeditionary Forces, an international military mission posted in the city of Arkhangelsk, North Russia. With thi …