مؤلف: Lawrence L. Stentzel

Lawrence Stentzel III received his BA in philosophy from Antioch College West and his MA in integral counselling psychology from The California Institute of Integral Studies. He earned his psychotherapy license and served Solano County Mental Health for 25 years as a clinical supervisor in charge of the 24-hour Crisis Service and ran two forensic mental health programs for mentally ill offenders. He started sitting zazen in 1973, became a member of the Arica mystical school in 1975, embarked on his study and practice of T”ai Chi Ch”uan in 1977, and his Taoist studies in 1978. He is also a practitioner of the tantric system of the Six Yogas of Naropa.

3 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Lawrence L. Stentzel

Lawrence L. Stentzel: End Of Thrones
Returning victorious from the war in Xegachtznel Galaxy Pez directs the Om Star Fleet to the planetary system of Vox in their home galaxy of Hub to liberate it from the Kundabuffer Empire. Her next s …
Lawrence L. Stentzel: A Tale of the Tail of Nine Stars
For months, the Tail of Nine Stars systems had been preparing a mission to the Xegachtznel Galaxy to stop the alien Vachisy Empire in its prodigious expansion, enslaving planetary populations of its …
Lawrence L. Stentzel: Lost in Space-Time
Pez’s senior disciple, Bodhi, gets drawn through a wormhole while prospecting in his Expeditionary Tug Utility ship to become lost in space-time. He is accompanied by his Quantum AI Humanoid Android, …