In this third edition of their best-selling classic, authors Lee
Bolman and Terrence Deal explain the powerful tool of ‘reframing.’
The authors have distilled the organizational literature into a
comprehensive approach for looking at situations from more than one
angle. Their four frames view organizations as factories, families,
jungles, and theaters or temples:
* The Structural Frame: how to organize and structure
groups and teams to get results
* The Human Resource Frame: how to tailor organizations to
satisfy human needs, improve human resource management, and build
positive interpersonal and group dynamics
* The Political Frame: how to cope with power and
conflict, build coalitions, hone political skills, and deal with
internal and external politics
* The Symbolic Frame: how to shape a culture that gives
purpose and meaning to work, stage organizational drama for
internal and external audiences, and build team spirit through
ritual, ceremony, and story
قائمة المحتويات
The Authors.
Part I. Making Sense of Organizations.
Chapter 1. Introduction: The Power of Reframing.
Chapter 2. Simple Ideas, Complex Organizations.
Part II. The Structural Frame.
Chapter 3. Getting Organized.
Chapter 4. Structure and Restructuring.
Chapter 5. Organizing Groups and Teams.
Part III. The Human Resource Frame.
Chapter 6. People and Organizations.
Chapter 7. Improving Human Resource Management.
Chapter 8. Interpersonal and Group Dynamics.
Part IV. The Political Frame.
Chapter 9. Power, Conflict, and Coalitions.
Chapter 10. The Manager as Politician.
Chapter 11. Organizations as Political Arenas and Political
Part V. The Symbolic Frame.
Chapter 12. Organizational Culture and Symbols.
Chapter 13. Organization as Theater.
Chapter 14. Organizational Culture in Action.
Part VI. Improving Leadership Practice.
Chapter 15. Integrating Frames for Effective Practice.
Chapter 16. Reframing in Action: Opportunities and Perils.
Chapter 17. Reframing Leadership.
Chapter 18. Reframing Change: Training, Realigning, Negotiating,
Grieving, and Moving On.
Chapter 19. Reframing Ethics and Spirit.
Chapter 20. Bringing It All Together: Change and Leadership in
Chapter 21. Epilogue: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership.
Appendix A. The Best of Organiza-tional Studies: Scholars’ Hits
and Popular Best-Sellers.
Name Index.
Subject Index.
عن المؤلف
Lee G. Bolman and Terrence E. Deal are the best-selling authors of Leading with Soul. Bolman holds the Marion Bloch Chair in Leadership at the Bloch School of Business, University of Missouri–Kansas City. He consults worldwide to corporations, public agencies, universities, and schools. Deal is the Irving R. Melbo Professor of Education at the Rossier School, University of Southern California, and an international consultant to business, health care, military, educational, and religious organizations.