مؤلف: Leonardo De Chirico

Leonardo De Chirico is the Director of the Reformanda Initiative, lecturer in Historical Theology at IFED, and a Pastor in the Evangelical Reformed Baptist Churches of Italy. He holds degrees in history and theology, a post-doctoral diploma in Bioethics, and a Ph D in theology from King”s College London. His previous books include Evangelical Theological Perspectives on Post-Vatican II Roman Catholicism (Peter Lang), A Christian”s Pocket Guide to the Papacy and A Christian”s Pocket Guide to Mary (both Christian Focus). He also contributed a chapter in The Doctrine On Which the Church Stands or Falls (Crossway). He writes regularly for The Gospel Coalition and other outlets.

7 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Leonardo De Chirico

Leonardo De Chirico: Maria
Questo studio vuole illustrare le cause e la “logica” che sottendono gli sviluppi mariologici attraverso i quali la Maria della Bibbia è stata trasformata nella Maria della chiesa. Esso si concentra …
Leonardo De Chirico: Quale unità cristiana?
Questo libro vuole contribuire al discernimento evangelico in un tempo in cui l’unità cristiana viene promossa con sempre maggiore enfasi e da sempre più soggetti come un programma prioritario su tut …
Leonardo De Chirico: Same Words, Different Worlds
Do Evangelical Protestants and Roman Catholics share a common orthodoxy, as promoted by initiatives such as Evangelicals and Catholics Together? Or do the profound differences between Evangelical and …
Leonardo De Chirico: Mesmas palavras, universos distintos
Protestantes evangélicos e católicos romanos compartilham a mesma fé? Será que suas incontornáveis diferenças teológicas revelam que, apesar de serem chamados de cristãos, na verdade, não pregam o me …
Matthew Barrett: The Doctrine on Which the Church Stands or Falls (Foreword by D. A. Carson)
Many factors contributed to the Protestant Reformation, but one of the most significant was the debate over the doctrine of justification by faith alone. In fact, Martin Luther argued that justificat …
Leonardo De Chirico: Engaging with Thomas Aquinas
The influence of Thomas Aquinas on Western theology is beyond dispute, yet his is a contested legacy. In current evangelical studies, there is an emerging infatuation with Thomas, especially as far a …
Leonardo De Chirico: Il Giubileo
“… il settimo anno sarà un sabato, un riposo completo per la terra … Poiché è il giubileo; esso vi sarà sacro; mangerete il prodotto che vi daranno i campi” [Levitico 25:5, 12] Questo libro offre una …