This volume includes a unique group of chapters focusing on new advances in materials for infrastructure sustainability. Chapters have been well-organized and handled by a group of international experts in order to discuss a timely topic with regards to the sustainable infrastructures. This volume is part of the proceedings of the 1st Geo MEast International Congress and Exhibition on Sustainable Civil Infrastructures, Egypt 2017.
قائمة المحتويات
1 Evaluation of Non-Nuclear Alternatives to Replace the Nuclear Density Gauge during Compaction Quality Control of Unbound Pavement Layers.- 2 Quantifying the Mechanistic and Economic Impacts of using Asphalt Rubber Mixtures.- 3 Fuzzy Logyc based madeling for pavement characterization.- 4 Impact of a Poly-olefin Based Additive on Bitumen and Asphalt Mix Performance.- 5 Influence of Mix Parameters on Development of Sulfur Modified Bituminous Paving Mixes with Sand.
عن المؤلف
Leslie J. Struble,
Dr. Struble is an Emeritus Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois. She received an M.S. and a Ph.D. both in Civil Engineering from Purdue University.
Dr. Struble was a member of the faculty in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana from 1989 until her retirement in 2013. She taught courses related to concrete science and technology as well as composition, microstructure, and performance of building materials; and she carried out research involving various aspects of concrete performance. She is currently directing research on geopolymers as a binder in concrete and on the effect of alumina on the nanostructure of C-S-H.
Dr. Struble is active in several professional societies. She is a member and a Fellow of the American Ceramic Society, where she has served as Chairman of the Cements Division and as Trustee, and where she is an Associate Editor for the Journal of the American Ceramic Society. She is a member and a Fellow of the American Society for Testing and Materials, where she served for many years as Editor-in-chief of Advances in Civil Engineering Materials. She is a member and a Fellow of the American Concrete Institute. She is also a member of the American Association of University Professors and serves on its Policy Committee at the University of Illinois.
Dr. Struble has authored or co-authored more than 150 publications dealing with various aspects of cement and concrete.
Gabriele Tebaldi, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Professor at University of Parma – Department of Engineering & Architecture
Adjunct professor at University of Florida – E.S.S.I.E., Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering
International representative in the Board of Directors of Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists since 2014.
Member of Board of Directors of International Society for Asphalt Pavements (Chairman in 2015 – 2016)
Senior Member of RILEM – International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, System and Structures and Chairman of Technical Committee on Asphalt Pavement Recycling (TC 264 RAP)
International Expert Member of Technical Committee on Pavement Maintenance and of Technical Committee on General and Emerging Pavement Design of TRB – Transport Research Board of USA National Research Council Member of the Steering Committee of EATA – European Association of Asphalt Technologists
Member of SIIV – Società Italiana Infrastrutture Viarie
Associated Editor of Road Materials and Pavement Design
Member of Editorial Advisory Committee of Material and Structures
Winner of Walter J. Emmons of Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists in 2011 and 2012