The key purpose of school leadership is to improve learning. What Works in School Leadership? examines research evidence and leadership models that focus on learning and provides resources that will help readers to understand their school’s culture and develop strategies to change and improve their schools. It introduces and explains contemporary research, leadership theories and real-world examples to identify what works (and doesn’t work) in school leadership.Recognising that le...
The key purpose of school leadership is to improve learning. What Works in School Leadership? examines research evidence and leadership models that focus on learning and provides resources that will help readers to understand their school’s culture and develop strategies to change and improve their schools. It introduces and explains contemporary research, leadership theories and real-world examples to identify what works (and doesn’t work) in school leadership.Recognising that leadership occurs at all levels in schools, this book addresses factors that underpin successful distributed, middle and team leadership. Chapters identify how leaders can effectively recruit, retain and motivate their staff, as well as the ways in which professional development can be supported. Key aspects of inclusive leadership that address diversity and equity are also considered in depth.Each school is unique and there is no magic formula that will guarantee instant results in every school; with this in mind, What Works in School Leadership? provides readers with a range of research evidence and resources to enable them to select strategies that will create a positive learning environment for staff and pupils at their own school.This is essential reading for school leaders, those aspiring to leadership and anyone studying or researching school leadership.