DR. LUAL DENG provides in this book a powerful narrative of a national conversation among the people of South Sudan about the challenges and opportunities for overcoming the crises of leadership and governance since independence on July 9th, 2011. The National Dialogue has been both a forum and a process in which the people of South Sudan have expressed their views, through an inclusive participatory conversation, about what has gone wrong with the binding narrative-at independence-of triumph and freedom. This inclusive participatory conversation has been from the grassroots, to the National Dialogue Conference, through Regional Conferences, all facilitated by a credible convener in the form of a Steering Committee under the able leadership of H.E. Abel Alier and Hon. Angelo Beda. Lual Deng, one of the policy analysts that provided technical backstopping to the Steering Committee, narrates in this book the structure and the process of the National Dialogue. He illustrates how the political space created by the National Dialogue process has enabled ordinary people to have a say in the identification of the root causes of the crises on the one hand, and to recommend desired solutions on the other. Failures of governance, security, the economy, and social cohesion are identified in the book as the sources of the persistent crises in South Sudan. This new consensus from the inclusive participatory national conversation means that the National Dialogue now stands as a compelling framework for sustainable peace, economic growth, and poverty eradication in South Sudan. This framework, according to the narrative of this book, is a function of visionary leadership and resilient institutions for effective governance. This book is, as Professor Daniel Bromley-who is one of the professors of Lual Deng-writes in the foreword, a clear and inspiring road map for the political class to implement the resolutions of the National Dialogue Conference.
قائمة المحتويات
list of contents
Acknowledgements vii
Foreword ix
Acronyms xi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Part I Bringing Peace To South Sudan
Chapter 2 The Imperative of Sustainable Peace in South Sudan 7
Chapter 3 The Structure and Process of The National Dialogue 44
Part II The Economy
Chapter 4 Leveraging Peace: The Economy 68
Chapter 5 Pathways to Economic Growth 86
Chapter 6 The Curse of Conflict 101
Chapter 7 The Dead Hand of Corruption 112
Part III Revitalizing the Economy
Chapter 8 Revitalizing the Economy:
The Role of the Presidency 123
Chapter 9 Revitalizing the Economy: Imperative
of Policy Management 134
Chapter 10 Revitalizing the Economy: Investing
in Broad Capital Formation 176
Selected Bibliography 209
Index 212
Index of Names 214
list of tables
Table 2.1: Views of the organized forces on root causes
of poor governance 10
Table 3.1: Activities of the Steering Committee by Phases of the National Dialogue 46
Table 3.2: Number of Delegates by constituency at each level of dialogue forum 51
Table 5.2: A framework for Understanding Intersections between Proximate and Fundamental Causes of Economic Growth 95
Table 9.1: The Nature and Magnitude of Decision-making in South Sudan As Measured by CPIA during the period 2012 – 2018 135
Table 9.2: A Framework for Fiscal Space in
FY2017/2018 Budget 146
Table 9.3: Suggested Priority Areas for Mandatory
Spending in R-ARCSS 156
Table 9.4: Percent Share of Foreign Currency Deposits to Total Bank Deposits 169
Table 9.5: Share of USD in Total Bank Deposits in the Banking Sector in South Sudan 172
Table 10.1: Options for the use of resources allocated to infrastructure development 178
Table 10.2: Improving the living conditions through exchange rate indexing of wages and salaries for staff of core institutions 182
Table 10.3: General Benefits of Dollarization 184
Table 10.4: Zimbabwean Inflation rates during the period
1998 – 2008 185
Table 10.5: Key Recommendations for Implementation in 2020 194
Table 10.6: Some Ideas on How to Diversify the South Sudanese Economy 198
list of figures
Figure 2.1: Triangle of Tranquility (TOR) 30
Figure 3.1: A Conceptual Framework for Ensuring
Inclusivity in the South Sudan National
Dialogue (SSND) Process 50
Figure 3.2: A chart showing the flow of the National
Dialogue process across different stages 52
Figure 5.1: Graphical Illustration of the Harrod-Domar
Growth Model 86
Figure 5.2: Programmatic Illustrations of
Economic Growth 94
Figure 6.1: Security Sector Spending, net oil revenues,
and approved budget in South Sudan,
2012-2016 104
Figure 6.2: Security sector spending as percent of total
GRSS budget and GDP, 2012-2016 104
Figure 6.3: Military spending in the IGAD countries,
2012 -2016 105
Figure 7.1: The Four Phases of the Budget Cycle 116
Figure 7.2: Enhanced PFM Framework for understanding the risks of corruption in South Sudan 118
Figure 9.1: Per-capita GDP ($) for South Sudan in 2012 and neighboring countries 137
Figure 10.1: Inflation in Zimbabwe During the Period 1998 – 2008 186