A chemical engineering graduate of the RMIT, Dennis Forte spent ten years with the MARS Corporation. During this time he was involved in both process and product development roles within the areas of Confectionery, Canned Pet Food and Dry Pet Food Extrusion Technologies. He is now practicing as an Independent Engineering Consultant to the food industry, providing technical support, design expertise and training to a broad range of manufacturers.
6 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Luca Ferrari
Luca Ferrari: PostgreSQL 11 Server Side Programming Quick Start Guide
Extend Postgre SQL using Postgre SQL server programming to create, test, debug, and optimize a range of user-defined functions in your favorite programming language Key Features
- Learn the co …
Navaratnam Partheeban: Developing animal feed products
- Comprehensive coverage of advances in optimising all the key steps in developing successful new animal feed products, from assessing feed ingredients, product development and processing to m …
Luca Ferrari: Meraviglioso
Se pensate che fare il barman sia un mestiere noioso, questo libro fa proprio per voi. Se invece pensate il contrario, questo libro non vi deluderà. Luca Ferrari, infatti, il barman lo fa da quando e …
Luca Ferrari & Enrico Pirozzi: Learn PostgreSQL
The latest edition of this Postgre SQL book will help you to start using Postgre SQL from absolute scratch, helping you to quickly understand the internal workings of the database. With a structured …
Marcos Martinz: O Diário da Loira do Banheiro: Morram de Inveja!
‘Eu sei que o fato de eu ter mais de 1 milhão de seguidores e ser a grande estrela da Associação de Lendas Urbanas aqui no Outro Mundo me torna assustadoramente interessante. Não tenho culpa de ser t …
Luca Ferrari: Delitto In Ospedale
Quando un litigio sfocia in un evento tragico, la vita di Kate viene sconvolta. In una cittadina dove nulla sembra fuori posto, Kate si ritrova a dover affrontare una serie di eventi misteriosi che m …