Elizabeth Smith, a learned British woman born in the momentous year 1776, gained transnational fame posthumously for her extensive intellectual accomplishments, which encompassed astronomy, botany, history, poetry, and language studies. As she navigated her place in the world, Smith made a self-conscious decision to keep her many talents hidden from disapproving critics. Therefore, her rise to fame began only in 1808, when her posthumous memoir appeared.
In this elegantly written biography, Lucia Mc Mahon reconstructs the places and social constellations that enabled Smith’s learning and adventures in England, Wales, and Ireland, and traces her transatlantic fame and literary afterlife across Britain and the United States. Through re-telling Elizabeth Smith’s fascinating life story and retracing her posthumous transatlantic fame, Mc Mahon reveals a larger narrative about women’s efforts to enact learned and fulfilling lives, and the cultural reactions such aspirations inspired in the early nineteenth century.
Although Smith was cast as ‘exceptional’ by her contemporaries and modern scholars alike, Mc Mahon argues that her scholarly achievements, travel explorations, and posthumous fame were all emblematic of the age in which she lived. Offering insights into Romanticism, picturesque tourism, celebrity culture, and women’s literary productions, Mc Mahon asks the provocative question, ‘How many seemingly exceptional women must we uncover in the historical record before we are no longer surprised?’
قائمة المحتويات
List of Illustrations
Introduction: Under the Same Roof
1. ‘Rocky Precipices’: Between Meadows and Mountains
2. ‘Well Furnished at Present’: A Community of Learned Ladies
3. ‘At the Foot of the Tower’: Picturesque Wanderings and the Search for Home
4. ‘Rejoice in Their Own Energy’: Enacting a Learned Life
5. ‘Thoughts of Publishing a Little Biographical Work’: Transition to the Afterlife
6. ‘A Lasting and Meritorious Monument’: The Life of ‘Fragments’
7. ‘Lives in This Record’: An Afterlife, in Prose and Verse
8. ‘To Tread in Thy Footsteps’: Literary Tourism
Conclusion: ‘She Was No Blue-Stocking’
Selected Bibliography
عن المؤلف
Lucia Mc Mahon is Professor and Chair of History at William Paterson University and the author of Mere Equals: The Paradox of Educated Women in the Early American Republic.