مؤلف: M. P Singh


6 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة M. P Singh

Ashish Kumar Singh & M.P Singh: Incredible World of Biotechnology
Humanity is facing a colossal problem due to a population explosion and the relentless exploitation of natural resources. Biotechnology is one of the most cutting edge fields of technology, which has …
Manoj Kumar & M.P Singh: Stem Cells from Culture Dish to Clinic
Despite extensive research and medical advancements in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of dreaded diseases like Diabetes, Cancer, Neurodegenerative and Heart diseases, continue to impose a gr …
Anju Agrawal & Bechan Sharma: Recent Trends in Biotechnology. Volume 2
The revolution in technology has led to the emergence of biotechnology which is one of the most rapidly moving branches of science and holds a lot of promises and surprises for the present and future …
Richard Nicholson: Placenta
The placenta plays an essential role in childbirth. It becomes disposable after the baby is born which makes it the only organ in the human body that serves a vital function and then becomes obsolete …
Leon V Berhardt: Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 65
This continuing series gathers and presents original research results on the leading edge of medicine and biology. Each article has been carefully selected in an attempt to present substantial topica …
Arcadius V. Krivoshein & Yuri N Utkin: Snake Venoms and Envenomation
Snake bites are a major health concern, especially in tropical countries. Understanding the pathology of envenomation and chemical composition of snake venoms is important in the development of medic …