Benoît Robyns is deputy scientific director at Junia, Graduate School of Engineering, vice-president of energy and societal transition at the Université catholique de Lille and researcher at L2EP, France.
Claude Lenglet is an engineer. He is involved in work on climate-related transitions.
Hervé Barry is a sociologist at the FGES of the Université catholique de Lille, France.
Malik Bozzo-Rey is research director in ethics at the ETHICS laboratory of the Université catholique de Lille, France.
4 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Malik Bozzo-Rey
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Claude Lenglet & Benoît Robyns: Smart Users for Energy and Societal Transition
Climate change and the loss of biodiversity are now realities. Their causes and origins stem from the energy, goods and resources relied upon by the lifestyle of a growing part of humanity. Smart Use …
Malik Bozzo-Rey: Penser en morale
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Malik Bozzo-Rey: Nudges et normativités
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