مؤلف: Marcus Hentrich

Marcus Hentrich is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and head of the Department of Medicine III at Redcross Hospital Munich. Dr Hentrich received his medical degree from Technical University of Munich and was trained in Internal Medicine at Academic Teaching Hospitals in Munich. He is board certified in Hematology and Medical Oncology. In his current position he is director of the stem cell transplant unit at Redcross Hospital Munich. He’s especially interested in HIV-related malignancies with a special focus on malignant lymphoma and testis cancer. In 2013 Dr. Hentrich was awarded the German AIDS Prize of the German AIDS Society. He is Deputy Chairman of the leukemia and lymphoma task force of the Munich Tumor Center and of the Stem Cell Transplantation Working Group Munich. Dr. Hentrich has conducted novel investigations on HIV-related lymphoma and infectious complications in hematologic malignancies. Stefan K. Barta is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Fox Chase Cancer Center/Temple University Health System in Philadelphia, USA. Dr Barta received his medical degree from the Johann-Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main, Germany. After Internal Medicine training in the United Kingdom, he underwent specialty training in Hematology and Oncology at the Montefiore Medical Center/Albert-Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, NY. There, he also completed a Master’s degree in Clinical Research Methodology. He currently works at the Fox Chase Cancer Center, where he specializes in lymphoid malignancies. His research interests include HIV-related and other virally mediated lymphomas. He is an active member of the AIDS Malignancy Consortium Lymphoma Working Group and the ECOG Lymphoma Core Committee. His research has been recognized with an American Society of Clinical Oncology Young Investigator Award and an ECOG-ACRIN Young Investigator Symposium Award of Distinctionfor Clinical Research.  

4 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Marcus Hentrich

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Karl-Anton Kreuzer & Bastian von Tresckow: Referenz Hämatologie
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