‘Absolutely essential reading for those wanting to understand the recent ′turn′ to affect. Offering an extensive analysis of all the perspectives available, including the psycho, neuro, bio and social, Margie Wetherell treads a magisterial path through the radically different offerings, one that illuminates key ideas and will save the uninitiated wandering down many pointless avenues. A path-setting book.’
– Professor Beverley Skeggs, Goldsmiths
In recent years there has been a huge surge of interest in affect and emotion. Scholars want to discover how people are moved, and understand embodied social action, feelings and passions. How do social formations ′grab′ people? How do roller coasters of contempt, patriotism, hate and euphoria power public life?
A new social science understanding of affect and emotion is long overdue and Margaret Wetherell′s voice is timely, providing a coherent and pragmatic text. It will be invaluable reading for those interested in this fascinating field across the social and behavioural sciences.
قائمة المحتويات
Chapter 1: Introducing Affect: Lines of Argument
Chapter 2: Bodying Affect: Affective Flows and Their Psychobiological Figuring
Chapter 3: Negotiating Affect: Discourse, Representation and Affective Meaning-Making
Chapter 4: Situating Affect: Interaction, Accountability and the Present Moment
Chapter 5: Solidifying Affect: Structures of Feeling, Habitus and Emotional Capital
Chapter 6: Personalising Affect: Relational Histories, Subjectivities and the Psychosocial
Chapter 7: Circulating Affect: Waves of Feeling, Contagion and Affective Transmission
عن المؤلف
Margaret Wetherell is Professor of Social Psychology at the Open University, UK and Director of the Economic and Social Research Council Programme on Identities and Social Action.