Maria Załęska (University of Warsaw) is a linguist and a rhetorician, and the president of the Polish Rhetorical Society. She serves at the Editorial Board of the Forum Artis Rhetoricae. Her research focuses on rhetoric and argumentation theory as applied to the specialized and professional communication. Her publications concern the rhetoric as involved in the transmission of knowledge, the persuasive features of the expert discourse, the conflictual discouse as well as the relations between rhetoric and linguistics. Apart from articles, chapters in monographs and in anthologies, she has also co-edited an academic coursebook on rhetoric, entitled Ćwiczenia z retoryki (2010) and edited the volumes La rhétorique de la critique dans le discours universitaire. Conflits, polémiques, controverses (forthcoming), as well as Retorica del discorso accademico italiano: argomentare, convincere, valutare (forthcoming).
7 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Maria Zaleska
Zaleska Maria Zaleska & Okulska Urszula Okulska: Rhetoric, Discourse and Knowledge
Zaleska Maria Zaleska & Okulska Urszula Okulska: Rhetoric, Discourse and Knowledge
Maria Zaleska: Rhetoric and Politics
Paradoxically, the term ‘rhetoric’ functions nowadays both as a name of an antique, even obsolete framework of research and as a fashionable buzzword that entails virtually any form of persuasive com …