مؤلف: Mariano Scaglione

Michael N. Patlas, MD, FRCPC, FSAR, is a Professor of Radiology and Emergency/Trauma Division Chief at the Mc Master University, Hamilton, ON, Canada. He has authored over 185 peer-reviewed papers, chapters, and abstracts and edited two books. Dr. Patlas is a Program Chair for the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Radiologists. He is a Vice-President of the Ontario Association of Radiologists. Dr. Patlas is an editorial board member for Emergency Radiology, Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology, and Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science, and a reviewer for ten journals. He has received multiple accolades for his research and clinical activities, including a Young Investigator Award from the Canadian Association of Radiologists, the Hamilton Health Sciences Medical Staff Association President”s Award for Distinguished Service, Mc Master University Academic Radiologist of the Year, and fourteen awards from the RSNA. He is an honoured Fellow of the Society of Abdominal Radiology. Douglas S. Katz, MD, FACR, FASER, FSAR (Fellow of the American College of Radiology, the American Society of Emergency Radiology, and the Society of Abdominal Radiology), has been the Director of Body Imaging and Vice Chair for Clinical Research and Education at Winthrop University Hospital (now NYU Winthrop Hospital), Mineola, Long Island, New York, USA since 1999, and as of late 2018 is now Vice Chair of Research at that institution. He has also been Professor of Radiology at the State University of New York at Stony Brook’s School of Medicine since 2003. He has co-authored more than 800 publications (H index: 42; i10 index 134) and abstracts, as well as three books, several syllabi, and multiple book chapters. He has been attending of the year five times at his institution and is a past president of the Long Island Radiological Society. More recently, he has received top awards from his institution and medical school, including alumnus of the year in 2012 (Stony Brook), top academic honors from Winthrop in 2014, and the top teaching award from Stony Brook in 2017, the Aesculapius Award. He has been a three-time Honored Educator of the Radiological Society of North America, most recently in 2018. He currently holds or has held multiple roles in radiology organizations locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.  Mariano Scaglione, MD, is Head of the Radiology Department at Pineta Grande Hospital, Castel Volturno, Italy and also a Consultant Radiologist at the Sunderland Royal Hospital, UK. Dr. Scaglione is frequently an invited speaker at international meetings, where he has delivered more than 100 presentations. He has published more than 120 papers, edited 12 books, and been the primary author for 32 book chapters. He has also been the Guest Editor of four themed Emergency Radiology issues in various radiology journals (Eur J Radiol 2006 and 2008, Radiol Med 2015, and BJR 2016). He is an editorial board member for many Radiology journals, including Emergency Radiology, the official journal of the ASER. Dr. Scaglione was Chairman for the Emergency Radiology Subcommittee at ECR in 2012, President of the Italian College of Emergency Radiology SIRM from 2010 to 2014, and ESER President from 2015 to 2017.  

11 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Mariano Scaglione

Michael N. Patlas & Douglas S. Katz: Errors in Emergency and Trauma Radiology
This book describes and illustrates the gamut of errors that may arise during the performance and interpretation of imaging of both nontraumatic and traumatic emergencies, using a head-to-toe approac …
Mariano Scaglione & Ulrich Linsenmaier: Emergency Radiology of the Chest and Cardiovascular System
This book provides an up-to-date, systematic review of all facets of emergency radiology in patients with chest trauma or pain with the aim of equipping the reader with a detailed knowledge of the va …
Michael Patlas & Douglas S. Katz: MDCT and MR Imaging of Acute Abdomen
This superbly illustrated book describes a comprehensive and modern approach to the imaging of abdominal and pelvic emergencies of traumatic and non-traumatic origin. The aim is to equip the reader w …
Roberto Di Mizio & Mariano Scaglione: Ileo meccanico dell’intestino tenue
L’occlusione meccanica dell’intestino tenue rappresenta una problematica clinica di frequente riscontro, la cui gestione clinico-strumentale è resa difficile dalla complessità dei meccanismi responsa …
Roberto Di Mizio & Mariano Scaglione: Small-Bowel Obstruction
Small bowel obstruction is a common but difficult clinical problem in terms of appropriate diagnosis and timely management. In clinical practice, radiologists play a key role in the assessment of sma …
Mariano Scaglione & Luigia Romano: Imaging nelle urgenze vascolari – Body
L’urgenza vascolare è la vera urgenza. Data la variabilità delle presentazioni cliniche, il radiologo è sempre più spesso chiamato in causa per problemi diagnosticodifferenziali e a lui sono demandat …
Mariano Scaglione & Ulrich Linsenmaier: Emergency Radiology of the Abdomen
The term “acute abdomen” refers to a serious, often progressive clinical situation that calls for immediate diagnostic and therapeutic action. Today, diagnosis via imaging has basically replaced the …
Mariano Scaglione & Chiara Andreoli: La TCMD nel trauma ad elevata energia
La gestione corretta e tempestiva del trauma maggiore, registrato tra le prime cause di morte e invalidità, soprattutto nella popolazione giovanile, rappresenta oggi l’espressione più avanzata della …
Michael N. Patlas & Douglas S. Katz: Emergency Imaging of Pregnant Patients
This book presents a comprehensive and modern approach to the imaging of nontraumatic and traumatic emergencies in pregnant patients. Readers will find a careful review of the relevant imaging-relate …
Mariano Scaglione & Cem Çalli: Emergency Radiology of the Head and Spine
This book provides an up-to-date, systematic review of all facets of emergency radiology in patients with head and spine injuries. The aim is to equip readers with a detailed knowledge of the various …
Douglas S. Katz & Michael N. Patlas: Atlas of Emergency Imaging from Head-to-Toe
This reference work provides a comprehensive and modern approach to the imaging of numerous non-traumatic and traumatic emergency conditions affecting the human body. It reviews the latest imaging te …