مؤلف: Mark Chesler

XIMENA ZÚNIGA is an associate professor affiliated withthe social justice education concentration in the Department of Student Development and Pupil Personnel Services, School of Education, University of Massachusetts Amherst. BIREN (RATNESH) A. NAGDA is associate professor of socialwork and director of the Intergroup Dialogue, Education and Action(IDEA) Center at the University of Washington. MARK CHESLER is a professor of sociology at the University of Michigan and executive director of Community Resources Ltd. in Ann Arbor. ADENA CYTRON-WALKER is a practitioner of intergroupdialogue and has actively contributed to the development of thispractice over the past eight years.

3 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Mark Chesler

Mark Chesler & James E. Crowfoot: Challenging Racism in Higher Education
Challenging Racism in Higher Education provides conceptual frames for understanding the historic and current state of intergroup relations and institutionalized racial (and other forms of) discrimina …
Ximena Zuniga & Biren (Ratnesh) A. Nagda: Intergroup Dialogue in Higher Education
Intergroup dialogue promotes student engagement across cultural andsocial divides on college campuses through a face-to-face, interactive, and facilitated learning experience that bringstogether twel …
Ximena Zuniga & Biren (Ratnesh) A. Nagda: Intergroup Dialogue in Higher Education
Intergroup dialogue promotes student engagement across cultural andsocial divides on college campuses through a face-to-face, interactive, and facilitated learning experience that bringstogether twel …