Macedonian writer, Marta Markoska writes about her passionate but tragically-ended story with her ex-husband, the devotion and loving support of one man, and her experiences with a few other men after her marriage ended, while she was struggling with the process of surviving breast cancer. She wrote these poems as she underwent a series of aesthetic surgeries and worked at the gym to develop her body to its best perfection. In these poems, she rediscovers herself in her altered body, proving to herself her renewed worth as a sexual and sensual woman. Those who have read her metaphysical poetry collection, Black Holes Within Us, will not be disappointed. She again calls the universe into play, as both the context for her love and as providing a means for its expression. Witty and explicit, but also devoted, romantic and tender, the poems give a voice to those women who lack either the language or the courage to express and share their own experiences and emotions. Maybe the poems also encourage greater insight and self-awareness in sisters worldwide.