Martin Fritzen is a grassroots esports opinion leader, from Denmark. In 2015, he founded the biggest grassroots esports club in Denmark. At the same time he is the head of esports at DGI (Danish Gymnastics and Sports Association), which includes developing and implementing grassroots esports tournaments, training, education and events. DGI currently consists of more than 6, 500 local associations and clubs, with more than 1, 5 million members.
He has more than 15 years of experience in business development and management from international digital sales and marketing, more than 5 years of experience in building SAAS startups and more than 8 years of experience in inspirational speaking (internationally).
5 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Martin Fritzen
Martin Fritzen: Esports Funding Guide
This book is written for esports teams, organizations and sports clubs working with esports. It exists to provide a wide range of ideas and suggestions of potential revenue streams so you can develop …
Martin Fritzen: Grassroots Esports
When you read this, you will learn the answers to two questions: 1. How to build an esports organization 2. How and why your esports organization will benefit the society This book is designed to giv …
Martin Fritzen: Sådan forvandler esport mennesker
Bogen indeholder teorier, viden, empiri og praksisnære erfaringer for, hvordan esport forvandler mennesker. Gaming og esport fylder meget hos børn, unge, forældre og i medierne. Organiseret esport i …
Martin Fritzen: How to Build and Fund A Successful Grassroots Esports Organization
When you read this, you will learn the answers to three questions: 1. How to build an esports organization 2. How to create profitable revenue streams 3. How and why your esports organization will be …
Martin Fritzen: Fra Narkoman til Rollemodel
Fra 1995-2009 var jeg dybt afhængig af rusmidler. Da misbruget var på sit højeste, indtog jeg hver dag en giftig blanding af 40-60 piller, hash, alkohol, amfetamin og kokain. Jeg var så langt ude, at …