The Complete Guide to Understanding the Structure of Homeland Security Law
* New topics featuring leading authors cover topics on Security Threats of Separatism, Secession and Rightwing Extremism; Aviation Industry’s ‘Crew Resource Management’ Principles’; and Ethics, Legal, and Social Issues in Homeland Security
* Legal, and Social Issues in Homeland Security. In addition, the chapter devoted to the Trans-Pacific Partnership is a description of economic statecraft, what we really gain from the TPP, and what we stand to lose. The Power of Pop Culture in the Hands of ISIS describes how ISIS communicates and how pop culture is used expertly as a recruiting tool
* Text organized by subject with the portions of all the laws related to that particular subject in one chapter, making it easier to reference a specific statute by topic
* Allows the reader to recognize that homeland security involves many specialties and to view homeland security expansively and in the long-term
* Includes many references as a resource for professionals in various fields including: military, government, first responders, lawyers, and students
* Includes an Instructor Manual providing teaching suggestions, discussion questions, true/false questions, and essay questions along with the answers to all of these
قائمة المحتويات
List of Contributors ix
Acknowledgments xi
About the Companion Website xiii
1 Introduction – Overview – Background 1
2 Metacognition and Errors in Judgment Related to Decision-Making in Homeland Security 15
Angi English
3 Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues in Homeland Security – What They Are and How to Address Them 29
Alexander Siedschlag
4 Strategic Environment 55
5 Extreme Right-Wing Ideologues, Conservative Secession, and Terrorism 79
Tobias T. Gibson and Richard Q. Sterns
6 Intelligence Gathering 95
7 The Department of Homeland Security 141
8 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 159
9 National Security Strategy of the United States of America, 2006, 2015 175
10 National Strategy for Homeland Security, October 2007 181
11 National Strategy for Combating Terrorism, 2006; National Strategy for Counterterrorism, 2011 187
12 Border Security 191
13 Critical Infrastructure Protection 205
14 Cybersecurity Legislation and Critical Infrastructure Vulnerabilities 233
William A. Carter and Daniel G. Sofio
15 Agriculture and Food 251
16 Transportation Security 267
A. Overview 267
B. Aviation Security 275
C. Maritime Transportation Security 289
D. Rail Transportation 304
E. Trucking 307
F. Bus 308
17 Weapons of Mass Destruction 315
18 Biodefense and WMD Medical Countermeasures 327
19 National Continuity Policy 351
20 Identification Issues 359
I. Terrorist Screening and Airport Passenger Screening 360
II. REAL ID Act 363
III. Common Identification for Federal Employees 366
21 National Incident Management System (NIMS) and National Response Framework (NRF) 367
22 Preparedness 373
23 Resiliency and a Culture of Preparedness 397
24 Authority to Use Military Force 407
25 Creating the Guardians: The Status of Homeland Security Education 423
Laura Manning Johnson and Robert Hayhurst
26 Applying Management and Organizational Theory Education to Create Effective Agencies 429
Judson M. Freed
27 U.S. Economic Statecraft, Homeland Security, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership 437
David A. Parker and Daniel G. Sofio
28 Deconstructing Latin American Security 449
Pablo Brum
29 The Power of Pop Culture in the Hands of ISIS 459
Joseph Russo
Index 469
عن المؤلف
MARTIN J. ALPEREN, JD, MA, has been a practicing attorney and trial lawyer since 1985, and is admitted to practice law in California, Colorado, Massachusetts, New York, and the United States Virgin Islands. He received a Master of Arts in Security Studies (‘Homeland Defense and Security’) from the Naval Postgraduate School’s Center for Homeland Defense and Security. Mr. Alperen has professional first responder experience as a police officer, an EMT, and a search and rescue member.