This collection of 16 reflective accounts and data-driven studies explores the interrelationship of religious identity and English Language Teaching (ELT). The chapters broaden a topic which has traditionally focused on Christianity by including Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim and non-religious perspectives. They address the ways in which faith and ELT intersect in the realms of teacher identity, pedagogy and the context and content of ELT, and explore a diverse range of geographical contexts, making use of a number of different research methodologies. The book will be of particular interest to researchers in TESOL and EFL, as well as teachers and teacher trainers.
قائمة المحتويات
List of Contributors
Foreword: Suresh Canagarajah: Complexifying Our Understanding of Spirituality
Chapter 1. Mary Shepard Wong: Introduction: Why A Book on Spirituality and Language Teaching?
Part I. Religious Faith and Teacher Identity
Chapter 2. Mary Shepard Wong: The Dangers and Delights of Teacher Spiritual Identity as Pedagogy
Chapter 3. Mary Ann Christison: Buddhist Principles and the Development Leadership Skills in English Language Program Administration and Teaching
Chapter 4. Joel Heng Hartse and Saeed Nazari: Attempting Interfaith Dialogue in TESOL: A Duoethnography
Chapter 5. Ryuko Kubota: Response to Part I: Possibilities For Nonattachment: Investigating the Affective Dimension of Imposition
Part II. Religious Faith and Pedagogical Practice
Chapter 6. Sid Brown: A Buddhist in the Classroom Revisited
Chapter 7. Bal Krishna Sharma: The Relevance of Hinduism to English Language Teaching and Learning
Chapter 8. Stephanie Vandrick: Multiple, Complex and Fluid Religious and Spiritual Influences on English Language Educators
Chapter 9. David Smith: Response to Part II: ‘Religious Faith’ and ‘Pedagogical Practice’ – Extending the Map: A Response to Brown, Sharma and Vandrick
Part III. Religious Faith and the Language Learning Context
Chapter 10. Kassim Shaaban: Language and Religion in the Construction of the Lebanese Identity
Chapter 11. Deena Boraie, Atta Gebril and Raafat Gabriel: Teachers’ Perceptions of the Interface between Religious Values and Language Pedagogy in Egypt
Chapter 12. Carolyn Kristjánsson: Church-Sponsored ESL in Western Canada: Grassroots Expressions of Spiritual and Social Practice
Chapter 13. Brian Morgan: Response to Part III: Religious Faith and the Language Learning Context: Exploring the Interface
Chapter 14. Ahmar Mahboob and Eve Courtney: Spirituality and English Language Teaching: Moving Forward
Afterword: Henry Widdowson: Spirituality in Language Teaching
عن المؤلف
Ahmar Mahboob / Prof Nomad / Sunny Boy Brumby, born of South Asian refugees and South Asian social, economic, and political oppression, they grew up in exile in the United Arab Emirates, where they were educated not just through conventional schools but also through relationships with artists, poets, journalists, politicians, and writers—all friends of their parents. With them, they had grown to identify oppressive practices in academia and governance. Working on issues of disempowerment and marginalisation and recently abandoning most colonial teachings, they draw on observation, analysis, and practice to develop both their understandings and their own practices.