This book first summarizes the recently published literature regarding modern applications of lignocellulosic materials. Lignocellulosic materials were conventionally treated as wastes for disposal, but are gaining recognition for their role in the supply of renewable resources. The authors discuss in detail the material attributes of pullulan and their correlation with the quality attributes of finished formulation, including: assay, dissolution, related substances and content un...
This book first summarizes the recently published literature regarding modern applications of lignocellulosic materials. Lignocellulosic materials were conventionally treated as wastes for disposal, but are gaining recognition for their role in the supply of renewable resources. The authors discuss in detail the material attributes of pullulan and their correlation with the quality attributes of finished formulation, including: assay, dissolution, related substances and content uniformity. Additionally, this compilation presents the development of a dip-coating instrument and its applications in the thin film deposition of colloidal nanocrystals. The instrument was based on an Arduino microcontroller, a stepper motor and a mechanical structure using a belt and pulley connection from motor to substrate holder. Silicone oil emulsions stabilized by various emulsifiers, such as surfactants, polymers, and solid particles (with and without pre-adsorbed surfactants or polymers) are also reviewed. Emulsion stability, interfacial properties, and rheological properties as a function of the emulsifier concentration in the complete emulsification of silicone oil are discussed. Next, the wet-chemical method was used to prepare various Zn O coated carbon nanotube nanocomposites, Zn O coated carbon black, Zn O coated graphene oxide, and Zn O nanoparticles in higher p H mediums. This approach was used to detect and quantify the xanthine in real samples. The concluding chapter highlights the results of studies on structure transformations in amorphous Fe-based alloys induced by laser irradiation, the kinetics and mechanisms of structure phase transitions, and the irradiation influence on magnetic and mechanical properties of the alloy.