Doctoral Thesis / Dissertation from the year 2016 in the subject Sociology – Habitation and Urban Sociology, grade: A, RMIT University, course: Ph D (Geospatial Science), language: English, abstract: The government of Vietnam has received a gradually increasing number of complaints and disputes regarding land administration issues. Significant resources have been invested in related work, including data collection, policy reforms, and technology for land administration. However, there has been very little work directed to policy development for a data-sharing framework. This thesis argues for the development of an Spatial Data Infrastructure Land (SDI) by initially proposing a policy framework as the foundation for such an infrastructure.
The present research employs a multi-method approach with a case-study strategy to investigate the problems and issues in land administration, and the requirements for an SDI to support land administration at the provincial level in Vietnam. The thesis presents a case study based in Vinh Long, a southern province of Vietnam, and draws on this to propose an appropriate policy framework for a user-centric SDI to support land administration at the provincial level. The stakeholder consultations included in-depth interviews with central and local stakeholders, focus group discussions, and a survey by questionnaire of people at the grassroots level of land users.
عن المؤلف
Mau has been working for GDLA of Vietnam since 2001. He holds a Ph D in land information system (RMIT, 2016), a Master Degree in Urban Planning and Management (Saitama Univ., 2006), and a Bachelor Degree in Land Administration (VNUH, 2001).