My real thoughts about my motivation for writing ‘The Human Phase 2025’:
At first, I just wanted to get the thing out there to do my small contribution. I had heard about negative end-times prophecies, and that they were likely to occur because ‘nobody on Earth was doing anything to stop them.’ I wanted to express my faith in our abilities to get past the violent animal-like behavior that threatens our survival.
There has been a huge amount of information to digest in the last few decades.
Now I want to explain a little more: It is obvious to me that I know less today than I thought I did yesterday. Yet, I feel more enthusiastic than ever because of the training that I have been privileged to receive. I call this training because patterns show up in the way things happen in my life. I will get an interest in something, so I study it out and learn until I move on to something else. Then, later on what I just happened to study in the past turns out to be just what I needed. I do not even question these patterns anymore; it is normal for me. You can call it whatever you want.
My primary motivation to help this planet started when I saw my first commercials decades ago on TV about starving children on the other side of the world. I was raised Catholic, and my family has shown me great love and compassion for all of my life. It bothers me a great deal to think of anyone suffering or being miserable.
So, when I learned about zero-point energy theories, our brain waves, non-linear fractal resonance, quantum mechanics, and our incredible brains and minds, I could see a pattern again showing up. In this case I see us doing what you would call magic- causing changes in the structure of the materials around us with our will or intent or energy or whatever label you want to use. Of course, we already cause changes in our environment, so it is only a matter of figuring out the codes that unlock the abilities to transmute existing materials into food and clothing and the problem is solved. This sounds cool, until one tries to explain the ideas without sounding crazy! Then, if you factor in some of the incredible technologies that are reported to exist on other worlds, it seems like we just must get access to the systems that are already in place.
I have made mistakes, so I believe in letting others have second chances. I will not go into the exact details of my methods, as I only have some initial ideas floating around in there somewhere but suffice to say that I am researching ways to ‘encourage’ people to not only stop their negative actions in order to heal their own lives, but to imagine being changed into something worthwhile which will endure. By encourage I mean to show what might be possible with everyone working together as a group. There is a part in the Bible that says to warn the person if they are doing wrong. Imagine a number of us expecting a great wave of energy that makes doing good very appealing to people! I am a survivor and I want all of us to make it. Have a wonderful day. MS
قائمة المحتويات
Introduction- Get ready for my wild imagination fueled by the theories of quantum mechanics and probabilities in relation to our scary human condition today here on our planet Earth.
The Mission- An astronaut is in space for 22 years, equal to 2 sunspot cycles. He makes (up) friends.
The Flying People- I start with a plasma experiment that becomes alive and personal. I morph it into a lesson about the amazing power of helping your fellow man.
The Parachutes- Bobby can sometimes perceive things in his dreams a little bit before they happen. When he dreams of living aerogel creatures acting like parasails, his girlfriend is ok with it.
The Flying Carpet- I dreamed of a wild ride one day when I fell asleep while waiting for my flight.
The Toad- Cyborg Robots can be as weird as regular people!
The End of Wondering- I really did this as a thought experiment one beautiful Saturday afternoon.
Jimmy’s Diary- It is rude (and exciting) to read someone else’s diary; but I will allow it just this once.
A Fractal of Me- I give an example of how I experience the mystery of who we are and how we affect each other…
I Had to Try- This shows how bizarre the idea of actually joining our wills might be.. Maybe it is illusion.
Author’s Postscript- I put this here in the middle and I pretended that incredible things happened to some of the readers. Miracles are in the eye of the beholder. This has some of the DNA theory one might discover online today. How we grow from small parts is incredible, do we know it all already?
Found on Our Moon- This is actually a birthday card from me to my three wonderful grandsons. I suggest free energy or zero point energy might show up if the size and shape of an object is just right. (This is my favorite story in this book.)
The Orbiting Research Ship- This story has UFO’s, aliens, weird things we discover in a couple of years, and a message of peaceful resolution to conflict recorded in stone forever. (I like this second best.)
BN.088287.XR3.8- This is about a space traveler that experiences many changes while out there. This story is pure fantasy, I think.
The Boy Who Went into Metal- This is not about Rock music, but it is about a gifted boy who is able to develop his senses and processing abilities beyond the norm. He is surprised to find another like him.
Tommy Wants to Help- This is the second part of the same story above, The Boy Who Went into Metal.
Dave Nelson Figures it Out- This is the conclusion to The Boy Who Went into Metal. A happy ending for sure!
My Friend, The Universe!- This is the shortest of my short stories, the theory of everything being alive.
The Silicon Farmer- Here I suggest that we do not know exactly what life is; ain’t it cool?
Conclusion- Here I thank the reader and I end the book with a very weird tale of Angelic Visitation!
عن المؤلف
I became interested in science as soon as I could open a book. I worked as an Auto Mechanic and as an Engine Machinist before serving in The United States Marine Corps. After the service I went to college and I graduated with a degree in Electronics Engineering Technology. I worked in Silicon Valley during the peak of the hi-tech electronics manufacturing era. After more than 20 years of researching physics applications and theories I wrote this book to generate interest in modern physics theories (including quantum theory) and spiritual mysteries.