قائمة المحتويات
List of Tables
List of Figures
Preface and Acknowledgements
The USSR in the Late Stalin Era
The Four Great Mortality Crises in Twentieth-Century USSR-Russia ...
قائمة المحتويات
List of Tables
List of Figures
Preface and Acknowledgements
The USSR in the Late Stalin Era
The Four Great Mortality Crises in Twentieth-Century USSR-Russia
Glossary and Abbreviations
1. Demography – the Social Mirror?
Lies, damned lies and statistics?
Murder most foul?
A century of population change in Russia
The mirror of society?
2. The Revolt Against Class Society 1890–1928
Mortality in Tsarist Russia
The class pattern of death
War and repression
Revolution and the vision of the future
The waning dream
3. Death and the Stalin Era 1929–53
The pressure of accumulation
The total number
Death and repression
The determinants of the ‘normal’ death rate
The end of the Stalin Era
4. Policy, Inequalities and Death in the USSR 1953–85
Judicial death and repression
Imperialism and war
The pattern of normal death
Explaining the patterns of death
National variations within the USSR
vi A Century of State Murder?
5. The End of Perestroika and the Transition Crisis
of the 1990s
Perestroika and the collapse of the USSR 1985–91
Shock therapy reforms of 1992
The Impact of Reforms: low pay, poverty and inequality
Mistaken assumptions underlying the reform programme
6. ‘Normal’ deaths During the First Decade of Transition
Unprecedented peacetime mortality
Why so many deaths?
Key factors of mortality decline
7. Yeltsin, Putin and ‘Abnormal’ Deaths 1992–2002
Collective violence and ‘intentional’ deaths
Political crisis and civil unrest
Death and disease in prisons
Torture and state executions
The war in Chechnya
8. Conclusion
Class inequality and a ‘quiet violence’
A century of state murder
Appendix: Basic Data on the Prison Camp System
under Stalin