Milo Rossi is an environmental scientist, archaeologist, and science educator residing near Boston, Massachusetts. Milo has an incredible audience of 1.8M followers on Tik Tok and 910K subscribers on You Tube. With an insatiable interest in our planet”s history and human evolution, Milo has leveraged his effusive personality to teach a rapidly growing audience about archaeology, prehistory, and travel discovery. Graduating from the University of Maine in 2022, Milo”s expertise of interdisciplinary sciences and their truths inspires learning among a far-reaching audience with an engaging teaching style and quick-witted humor. The Encyclopedia of the Weird and Wonderful is Milo”s first published book.
1 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Milo Rossi
Milo Rossi: The Encyclopedia of the Weird and Wonderful
Take an astonishing, amusing, and charmingly unconventional tour through the curious everyday lives of humans past. No need to spend the day at an archaeological dig when you can simply make a …