Dr. Sarfraz received his B.S.c.in mathematics and statistics from
Govt. College, Lahore, Pakistan in 1977, an M.S.c in mathematics
and an M.S.c in Numerical Analysis from the University of Brunel.
He then went on to complete his P.h.D in Computer Aided Geometric
Design also at The University of Brunel.
Dr. Sarfraz is currently Associate Professor at King Fahd
University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia. He is a member
of many professional bodies including the IEEE and the IEEE
Computer Society. He has published three books and written numerous
journal papers and reports.
6 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Muhammad Sarfraz
Muhammad Sarfraz: Computer-Aided Intelligent Recognition Techniques and Applications
Intelligent recognition methods have recently proven to be indispensable in a variety of modern industries, including computer vision, robotics, medical imaging, visualization and the media. Furtherm …
Ashraf Saad & Erel Avineri: Soft Computing in Industrial Applications
Soft Computing admits approximate reasoning, imprecision, uncertainty and partial truth in order to mimic aspects of the remarkable human capability of making decisions in real-life and ambiguou …
Muhammad Sarfraz: Geometric Modeling: Techniques, Applications, Systems and Tools
Computer Aided techniques, Applications, Systems and tools for Geometric Modeling are extremely useful in a number of academic and industrial settings. Specifically, Computer Aided Geometric Modeling …
Muhammad Sarfraz: Interactive Curve Modeling
Interactive curve modeling techniques and their applications are extremely useful inanumber ofacademicandindustrialsettings.Speci?cally, curvemodelingplays a signi?cant role in multidisciplinary prob …
Haim Rabinowitch & Brian Thomas: Edible Alliums
Allium crops include more than 30 species, many of which (for e.g. onions, shallots, garlic, leeks, bunching onions, and chives) are of economic importance. Bulb onions rank second only to tomatoes i …
Muhammad Sarfraz: Critical Approaches to Information Retrieval Research
Information retrieval (IR) is considered to be the science of searching for information from a variety of information sources related to texts, images, sounds, or multimedia. With the rise of the int …