Boguslawsky I. Z. is a professor in the Theoretical Electrical Engineering and Electromechanic Department at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and is a senior member of IEEE. He has spent 50 years in the electric machine-building industry (calculation and design of large alternating current machines). His work at the “Elektrosila” Works Stock Company was in power machines and the Leningrad Electrical Machine Building Plant.
Korovkin N. V. is a professor in and head of the Theoretical Electrical Engineering and Electromechanic Department at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. He has more than 35 years’ experience in power engineering.
Hayakawa M. is an emeritus professor of the University of Electro-Communications (UEC), a fellow of The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Japan, and a senior member of The Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEE), Japan. He is the CEO of the Hayakawa Institute ofthe Seismo Electromagnetics Co. Ltd. (UEC Incubation Center) and a visiting professor at the Advanced Wireless & Communications Research Center (AWCC), UEC, Tokyo. He has more than 45 years” experience in electromagnetics.
The authors gratefully welcome any comments and suggestions (in English, German, or Russian languages) on the contents of this monograph. They should be addressed to Polytechnicheskaya str., 29, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Theoretical Engineering and Electromechanic Department, St. Petersburg, 195251, Russia; email: [email protected].
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