مؤلف: Norris Krueger

Veland Ramadani is an Associate Professor at South-East European University, the Republic of Macedonia, where he teaches both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in entrepreneurship and small business management. His research interests include entrepreneurship, small business management, family businesses and venture capital investments. He authored or co-authored around 120 research articles, 10 textbooks and 14 edited books. Dr. Ramadani is an Associate Editor of International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IJESB). In 2017, he was appointed as a member of the Supervisory Board of Development Bank of North Macedonia, where for eight months served as an acting Chief Operating Officer (COO). Dr. Ramadani received the Award for Excellence 2016 – Outstanding Paper by Emerald Group Publishing (Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy). His last book, co-authored with Robert D. Hisrich, is Entrepreneurial Marketing, published by Edward Elgar. Ramo Palalić is an Assistant Professor at the Economics and Management Department, Faculty of Business and Administration, and he is a Coordinator of Leadership and Entrepreneurship Centre (LEC) at the International University of Sarajevo (IUS), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. His research interests are entrepreneurship, leadership, marketing, SMEs and family businesses. He teaches at all three cycle study levels in the above areas. Apart from this, he is actively involved in business projects in the areas of entrepreneurial leadership and marketing management, in private and public organizations. He has authored and co-authored several articles, book chapters, and one book in internationally recognized publishers. Additionally, he is serving a few journals as reviewer/editor board member. Léo-Paul Dana is a Professor at Montpellier Business School (France) and a founding member of the public research centre ‘Montpellier Research in Management, MRM (EA 4557, Univ. Montpellier)’. He is also a member of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Chair, which is part of Lab Ex Entrepreneurship (University of Montpellier, France) and funded by the French government (Labex Entreprendre, ANR-10-Labex-11-01). A graduate of Mc Gill University and HEC-Montreal, he was formerly the Marie Curie Fellow at Princeton University (USA) and Visiting Professor at INSEAD. Norris Krueger is among few scholars who are able to make a difference in research, education and entrepreneurship. Dr. Krueger has managed to keep moving the needle for all three, with proven, recognized expertise in growing entrepreneurial thinkers and entrepreneurial communities. As a thought leader in entrepreneurial learning, his programs earned six national and two global best practice awards. Most-cited scholar in his specialty on entrepreneurial thinking, he’s had external fellowships with Max Planck Institute for Economics and Senior Subject Matter Expert at OECD/EU for entrepreneurial learning and entrepreneurial ecosystems. Active on Twitter, Facebook, Linked In & www.norriskrueger.com – feel free to connect! Andrea Caputo is Reader in Strategy & Entrepreneurship at the University of Lincoln (UK), where he co-founded the UNESCO Chair in Responsible Foresight for Sustainable Development and the Lincoln Innovation in Family Enterprises (LIFE) Observatory. He received his Ph D in Management from the University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’ (Italy). He has also held visiting positions at several universities, like the University of Queensland, George Washington University, University of Malta, Alicante, Macerata and Naples Parthenope. His main research expertise is related to entrepreneurship, strategic management, negotiation, and decision-making. He has authored more than 40 international publications and presented at leading conferences. He is editor of the book series Entrepreneurial Behaviour by Emerald, and the author of the book Strategic Corporate Negotiations, published by Palgrave. 

4 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Norris Krueger

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