مؤلف: Obadiah Sedgwick

Dia a Dia com os Puritanos Ingleses reúne um ano de leituras extraídas dos escritos e sermões de alguns dos mais influentes homens da história da Igreja nos séculos XVI e XVII. Com profunda devoção e fidelidade às Escrituras, os puritanos nos legaram ensinamentos ricos em sabedoria, encorajamento e exortação para uma vida cristã autêntica. Os textos foram cuidadosamente selecionados e editados, preservando a linha de pensamento original desses autores, para que o leitor possa se aprofundar em verdades atemporais e aplicá-las à sua caminhada diária com Deus.

12 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Obadiah Sedgwick

Obadiah Sedgwick: Fountain Opened
Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Not give him o …
Obadiah Sedgwick: Anatomy of Secret Sins, Presumptuous Sins, Sins in Dominion, and Uprightness
Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Lofx’b {battbo …
Obadiah Sedgwick: Haman’s Vanity
The trembling period of time (wherein we now breath) is very like that Day spoken of by the Prophet Zachary in cap.14. v.6 & 7. In that Day the light shall not be cleare nor dark, but it shall be one …
Obadiah Sedgwick: An Arke Against a Deluge
You were pleased to appoint a Solemn and Extraordinary Fast, for your united Armies: and since that you have twice desired the Assembly of Divines to Importune God for them: How acceptable all this h …
Obadiah Sedgwick: The Nature and Danger of Heresies
Having received your commands to preach, that which first presented it selfe unto my thoughts, was the subject of this ensuing Discourse; A Theam (if I doe understand the present posture of these tim …
Obadiah Sedgwick: A Thanksgiving Sermon
The severall and strange Works of Divine Providence, which (in our days) appear thorow-out the Christian world, are a Theam worthy of the best Historians pen, and of the best Christians meditation: A …
Obadiah Sedgwick: England’s Preservation
This Sermon which I preached by your command, and you harkned unto with much acceptance, and is now printed by your Order, I most humbly present unto your Gracious Patronage, and Religious practice; …
Obadiah Sedgwick: The Doubting Believer
A Renewed heart is a very Heaven in our little World, and Faith is the only Sun in that Heaven: The Sinner never comes to be precious, till he comes to be pious; and the value of that piety still adv …
Obadiah Sedgwick: Elisha His Lamentation
You were pleased to put me upon that sad service of Preaching at the Funeral of your worthy and dear Pastor; And shortly after that, upon another service of Printing what I then had publikely Preache …
Obadiah Sedgwick: The Humbled Sinner
This Treatise commendeth it self to thy acceptance upon a double account, the one is, the known worth of the Authour, the other is, the great usefulness of the subject matter: The Authour was Mr. Oba …
Obadiah Sedgwick: The Obadiah Sedgwick Collection
Obadiah Sedgwick (1600?–1658) was an English clergyman of presbyterian views, and a member of the Westminster Assembly. He was son of Joseph Sedgwick, vicar of St. Peter’s, Marlborough, Wiltshire, an …
Publicações Pão Diário: Dia a dia com os puritanos ingleses
Coisas maravilhosas!’ Foi o que disse, extasiado, o egiptólogo Howard Carter, quando seus colegas lhe perguntaram o que a luz da chama que ele apontava ao redor da recém-descoberta tumba do rei Tutan …