Oliver Kozlarek (Dr. phil., Dr. en Humanidades) lehrt und forscht am »Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas« der Universidad Michoacana in Morelia, Mexiko. Als Gastwissenschaftler war er u.a. an der New School for Social Research (New York), der Universidad de Buenos Aires, der TU Chemnitz, der Stanford University und dem Kulturwissenschaftlichen Institut in Essen tätig.
8 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Oliver Kozlarek
Oliver Kozlarek: Postcolonial Reconstruction: A Sociological Reading of Octavio Paz
This book presents a close reading of the work of the Mexican writer and Nobel Prize Laureate, Octavio Paz. It does so from the specific perspective of sociology and the more general perspective of t …
Oliver Kozlarek: Octavio Paz
Octavio Paz is one of the most recognized Latin American writers. His essays offer a sophisticated critique of global modernity. Although his work has advanced many of the arguments that orient our c …
Oliver Kozlarek: Moderne als Weltbewusstsein
Oliver Kozlarek arbeitet die Grundlagen einer innovativen Sozialtheorie der globalen Moderne heraus, die neue theoretisch-begriffliche Impulse (Weltbewusstsein, Humanismus) zu setzen und die Soziolog …
Ernst Wolff & Oliver Kozlarek: Shaping a Humane World
The generation of meaning is the primary precondition for acting and thinking. The essays in this volume contribute to a discourse on this matter with a decentred, globalized world in mind. The notio …
Jörn Rüsen: Approaching Humankind
Every human life form encapsulates an idea of humankind and humanity. Today, this very idea is challenged by the various and diverging needs for cultural orientation in the age of globalization. One …
Oliver Kozlarek: Multiple Experiences of Modernity
Contemporary theories of modernity recognize the plurality or ‘multiplicity’ of modernities. Often the differences are seen as institutional or cultural differences. Although this sort of research is …
Oliver Kozlarek: Vielfalt und Einheit der Kritischen Theorie – Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven
Die in diesem Buch versammelten Arbeiten gehen der Frage nach, ob die Tradition der Kritischen Theorie mit ihrer multifokalen und vor allem interdisziplinären kritischen Sozialforschung dem …
Oliver Kozlarek: Critical Humanism of the Frankfurt School as Social Critique
This book aims to extract a kind of Critical Humanism from the works of prominent members of the Frankfurt School. Oliver Kozlarek argues that what is compelling about this kind of restitution of hum …