This book examines the role of everyday action in accepting, resisting and reshaping interventions, and the unique forms of peace that emerge from the interactions between local and international actors. Building on critiques of liberal peace-building, it redefines critical peace and conflict studies, based on new research from 16 countries.
قائمة المحتويات
Towards a Post-Liberal Peace: Exploring Hybridity: Via Everyday Forms of Resistance, Agency, and Autonomy; O.P.Richmond & A.Mitchell Agency and the Everyday Activist; A.M.S.Watson Post-Conflict Justice and Hybridity in Peacebuilding: Resistance or Cooptation?; C.L.Sriram Hybrid Tribunals: Interaction and Resistance in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Cambodia; O.Martin-Ortega & J.Herman Hybrid Forms of Peace and Order on a South Sea Island: Experiences from Bougainville (Papua New Guinea); V.Boege Looking for the Owner of the House – Who is Making Peace in Rural East Timor?; M.A.Brown & A.Gusmao Co-optation, Acceptance and Resistance in the Somali ‘Everyday’; K.Sandstrom From the Air-Conditioned Offices to the Everyday: the Kinshasa Street Parliamentarians and the Popular Reclaiming of Democracy; M.De Goede The Practical Representation of Peacebuilding: An (Auto)ethnography of Programme Evaluation in Tajikistan; J.Heathershaw Security, Cooptation and Resistance: Peacebuilding-as-fragmentation in Palestine; M.Turner Hybrid Reconstruction: The Case of Waad in Lebanon; R.Mac Ginty What Turks and Kurds ‘Make of’ Europe: Subversion, Negotiation and Appropriation in the European Periphery; B.Rumelili Comfortable Conflict and (Il)liberal Peace in Cyprus; C.Adamides & C.Constantinou Liberal Peacebuilding’s Representation of ‘the Local’: The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina; S.Kappler ‘Walking’ in North Belfast with Michel De Certeau: Strategies of Peace-building, Everyday Tactics and Hybridization; L.Kelly & A.Mitchell Conclusion: Everyday Struggles for a Hybrid Peace; R.Bleiker
عن المؤلف
CONSTANTINOS ADAMIDES Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus, and Research Fellow at the Cyprus Centre for European and International Affairs ROLAND BLEIKER Professor of International Relations at the University of Queensland, Australia VOLKER BOEGE Lecturer in the Institute for Social Science Research at the University of Queensland, Australia ANNE BROWN Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Social Science Research, University of Queensland, Australia COSTAS M. CONSTANTINOU Professor of International Relations at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus MEIKE DE GOEDE Ph.D. Candidate in the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of St. Andrews, UK JOHN HEATHERSHAW Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Exeter, UK JOHANNA HERMAN Research Fellow in the Centre on Human Rights and Conflict at the University of East London, UK STEFANIE KAPPLER Ph.D. Candidate in the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of St. Andrews, UK LIAM KELLY Ph.D. Candidate in the Institute for Irish Studies at the Queen’s University of Belfast, UK ROGER MAC GINTY Reader in International Relations at the University of St. Andrews, UK OLGA MARTIN-ORTEGA Senior Research Fellow in the Centre on Human Rights and Conflict at the University of East London, UK BAHAR RUMELILI Assistant Professor of International Relations at Koc University, Turkey KARL SANDSTROM Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Bristol, UK CHANDRA LEKHA SRIRAM Professor of Law at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London, UK MANDY TURNER Lecturer in Conflict Resolution at the University of Bradford, UK ALISON M.S. WATSON Professor of International Relations at the University of St. Andrews, UK.