Paolo Pileri is a Full Professor of Urban Planning at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. His research interests have consistently brought together environmental issues with urban and landscape planning, and many of his research efforts have involved projects focusing on sustainable mobility as a way to better link people and landscapes. In this context, he has been working on the VENTO project to connect “forgotten” but nonetheless stunning Italian landscapes along the Po River by means of an extensive cycle path. This is not merely about the path itself, but also the ability of a territory and landscape project to generate a new, green/local economy and new high-quality jobs. Professor Pileri is the author or editor of numerous publications, ranging from books and journal articles to popular works.
Rossella Moscarelli is currently engaged in a Ph.D. project titled “Inner areas and slow lines: an opportunity to regeneratemarginalized territories in Italy” at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies, Politecnico di Milano. Holding an M.Sc. (cum laude) in Environmental and Technological Architecture, she is an active collaborator in the VENTO research group and has also studied public policies relating to, and the impacts of, the Camino de Santiago in Spain. She is the author of numerous publications on slow tourism infrastructure, land consumption, and regeneration.
4 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Paolo Pileri
Paolo Pileri: Che cosa c’è sotto
“Che cosa c’è sotto?”. Questo libro spiega che cos’è il suolo e perché ciascuno di noi deve conoscerlo, tutelarlo, difenderlo. Per capire che cosa abbiamo sotto i piedi, quali sono le responsabilità, …
Paolo Pileri: 100 parole per salvare il suolo
L’urbanistica è una lingua straniera: 100 parole “tradotte” in italiano per imparare a leggere le trasformazioni del suolo contenute nelle leggi e nei piani. E dire “s& …
Federico Annibale & Paolo Crosignani: Le dieci lezioni del Coronavirus
Che cosa succederà dopo il Coronavirus? Siamo in una fase in cui è impossibile fare previsioni, ma qualcosa lo sappiamo. Il mondo uscirà da questa quarantena e oltre a fronteggia …
Paolo Pileri & Rossella Moscarelli: Cycling & Walking for Regional Development
This book investigates why and how cycle and walking paths can help to promote the regeneration of marginalized areas facing depopulation and economic decline. In addition, it offers a broad overview …