Book Three of the classic Sirian Revelations Trilogy, No More Secrets, No More Lies uncovers more layers of the onion – the untruths that have kept humankind from realizing its full potential and empowerment, while guiding readers as awakening ‘starseeds.’ recipients of the immense love that pours through to Earth from the higher realms of Creation. Who really rules the Universe? What is death – what is ascension? Do simultaneous realities exist – and are we present in more than one? What are the designs of the Secret Government and their New World Order? Channeled in 1998 and released soon after in its first edition, the book addresses these questions, serving as an essential guide out of our maze of fear and powerless at this pivotal time-a time that clairvoyant Patricia Cori declare to be the apex-point of our evolution.
The Sirian Revelations are channeled teachings from the Speakers of the Sirian High Council, six-dimensional beings dedicated to the transformation of human consciousness. Patricia Cori has been Scribe to the Speakers since 1997.
قائمة المحتويات
Table of Contents
Part I Light Upon Darkness
1. Let There Be No More Secrets
2. The Seeding of Homo Sapiens
3. Raping the Nest
4. The Roots of Racism
5. Who Really Rules the Earth?
6. Disarming the Dark Forces
7. One World Order
8. Drugs and Arms: The Lies You Have Been Sold
9. Hidden Cameras and Secret Weapons in Space
10. Media and Mass Mind Control
11. Air, Water, and Food: Your Sustenance
Part II And the Veil Lifts
12. Shine the Wisdom . . . Let the Light
13. Past Lives and Simultaneous Realities
14. Death versus Ascension
15. DNA and the Crystalline Waters of Your Being
16. Four Times Trinity
17. Children of the Violet Oversoul
18. Contact
About the Channel
The Divine Blueprint – On-Line Course in DNA Activation
عن المؤلف
A native of the San Francisco Bay Area, Patricia Cori is a world-renowned author, public speaker, and activist for the rights of human beings and animals, a warrior for Planet Earth. A proven sensitive and acute clairvoyant, she has been explored mysticism, philosophy, ancient civilizations, metaphysical healing, spirituality and unexplained mysteries and teaches on these subjects to enthralled audiences around the world. She is considered a luminary of these times, one whose work is embraced for its dedication to challenging the status quo and opening new vistas on human awareness.She is a prominent figure in the Spirit Community, well-known on the international lecture circuit-actively offering courses, seminars and workshops internationally on a vast range of topics, which reflect her broad knowledge of alternative methodology in healing and her remarkable gift of helping others rekindle and ignite the flame of power within us all.Patricia has been recognized and celebrated as a gifted shaman by indigenous spirit teachers of the Tibetan, Mayan and Peruvian traditions and has been embraced by the shamans of Palenque as one of the four spirit guardians of that sacred site. In 1996, she established the Light Works travel club, Soul Quest™ Journeys, and that year led a group of spirit travelers to Nepal and Tibet. She has since guided people through sacred sites in Asia, Mexico, Egypt, Europe, Peru the crop circles in England, and dolphin swims in the Azores, to contemplate the potential of interspecies interaction and our heightened sensitivity to the world that surrounds us. In every case, and wherever she has guided enthusiastic seekers, she has opened the portals and helped people experience the other side of the veil.Her classic books, the trilogy The Sirian Revelations and an impressive collection of additional works across the years have enjoyed worldwide acclaim as wake-up call material for the expanding consciousness of humankind, tools for empowerment and guidance. Her most recent of these, The New Sirian Revelations, is her best-selling to date! They are considered ‘must have’ reading for a global audience of seekers.