The Journey of Hope – presents the authors struggles to uncover personal history long hidden by the Tennessee Childrens Home Society (TCHS). Beginning chapters describe why she was taken from her mother and handed over to Georgia Tann at TCHS in 1936 at the age of four.
Early memories include riding in the ‘big black car’ that took her from Memphis to Odessa, Texas to a family that added the name Patricia and gave her a new life.
In 1987 she decides to confront her past and search for her birth parents and the truth behind her legal abduction and illegal adoption. What she discovers is both joyous and harrowing. She tells of the process of finding siblings and visiting the graves of her parents and Tann.
Her work discusses her rejuvenated commitment to God and faith and how she forgave Tann who sold children for profit and the judge that facilitated her efforts.
Crafted from personal experiences, this is a moving account that has a strong authorial voice that resonates throughout. The work is confidently written, drawing the reader into the fabric of the story. The pain and emotion is subtly woven into the richly textured narrative, making for affecting reading.
From Tragedy to Triumph explores how her devotion has guided her through the emotional process and helped her see the hope in an unfortunate situation.
عن المؤلف
Patricia Hope is a first time author with no acclaim to fame except as a wife, mother and entrepreneur. During her 70 years she has lived from coast to coast including Okinawa. Home base is Hobbs, New Mexico, where at the age of 58 and single, when most folks think of retiring, she became the founder of Chapel of Hope Funeral Home, which she owned and managed before selling.
She and her second husband have spent extended periods of time in Memphis, Tennessee where she also feels at "home." By telling her story, which includes her spiritual growth, she hopes that it will encourage others on their journey through life.