4 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Price Angharad Price
Price Angharad Price: Caersaint
A novel by the award-winning novelist Angharad Price, whose classic, O! Tyn y Gorchudd won her the Literary Medal at the 2002 National Eisteddfod. This novel tells the story of Jaman Jones returning …
Price Angharad Price: O! Tyn y Gorchudd – Hunangofiant Rebecca Jones (Cyfrol y Fedal Ryddiaith 2002)
The prize-winning entry in the 2002 St David”s Eisteddfod Prose Medal competition, the imaginary autobiography of the author”s great-aunt who died in childhood, comprising a warm and vivid portrait …
Price Angharad Price: Ymbapuroli
A volume of articles by one of the most subtle authors writing in the Welsh language today, encompassing such diverse topics as phonetics, cakes, cleaning and Karl Marx, as we are taken on a speedy t …
Price Angharad Price: Gororion
A collection of eight literary trips, following various trails between Wales and Europe. We are led on journeys from Venice to Ynys Gwales (Grassholm Island), and from rural France to Paradise Island …