Dr. Prita Pant received her MS and Ph D degrees from the Materials Science and Engineering department at Cornell University (USA) in 2001 and 2004 respectively. After postdoctoral research at Cornell and Harvard Universities, she joined IIT Bombay as Assistant Professor in the Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science at IIT Bombay in 2006. She is currently Professor in the same department, and Associate Dean of Academic Programmes. Her research interests are in the general area of microstructure changes that occur during deformation, and their effect on the mechanical behaviour of materials. Her group carried out experiments on bulk and micro-scale deformation, along with optical and electron microscopy to investigate the evolution in microstructure. In addition, they work extensively on simulations such dislocation dynamics (DD) and molecular dynamics (MD) to study the nucleation of defects such as dislocations, and their interactions with each otheras well as with grain and twin boundaries. These interactions play a significant role in determining the strength and ductility of metals and alloys. She has guided 6 Ph D students, and several Masters students at IIT Bombay. She teaches both undergraduate and postgraduate courses on mechanical behaviour, computational methods, and scientific communication.
Dr. Sushil Mishra is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Bombay. Prior to this, he worked as Senior Manager in Aditya Birla Science and Technology Center, Mumbai and as senior researcher at General Motors Global R&D, Bangalore. He obtained his doctorate from IIT Bombay in 2008 and M. Tech. from IIT Madras in 2002. He has more than four years of postdoctoral research experience in corporate R&D. The focus of his research is multiscale physics based formability studies of metallic alloys. Currently he is heading Micro-Forming lab (www.microforming.in) in IIT Bombay, where more than 15 postgraduate students are working in the area of forming, microstructure, microtexture and materials modeling. He has published more than 40 peer reviewed international journal papers and holds 3 patents. Under his supervision 5 Ph D and 13 Masters students have graduated, and currently 15 students are working under him in various sponsored projects. His major areas of research are sheet metal forming, deformation behavior of metallic alloys, microstructure and mechanical characterization, and materials modelling.
Dr. P.C. Mishra is currently working in the School of Mechanical Engineering, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar as a Professor and Dean (Research). He has held important positions like, Convener of Board of Studies (Bo S), Associate Dean of School of Mechanical Engineering since 2014, Convener of AICTE-MHRD IIC since 2017 and Zonal Coordinator for AICTE-NDF Scheme since 2018. He received his B.E. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Berhampur University, Berhampur, India, in 2001, M.Tech. and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, in 2006 and 2011, respectively. His current research interests include impingement heat transfer, thermal systems design and optimization, biofuels and renewable energy, nuclear fuels, nanofluidics, microfluidics, smart energy materials and composite materials. Dr. Mishra is a member of the Indian National Academy of Engineering; the National Academy of Science, India; the Institution of Engineers (India); and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). He is a Life Member of the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), ASME, SAE and Combustion Institute (India). Dr. Mishra has published more than 100 research articles in journals of international repute, supervised 10 Ph D students, 22 Masters students and also holds 14 patents. His multi-disciplinary research interests are medical imaging and dental implants technology.
4 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Purna Chandra Mishra
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Purna Chandra Mishra & Muhamad Mat Noor: Advances in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
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Purna Chandra Mishra & Muhamad Mat Noor: Advances in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
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