مؤلف: Rana Tekcan

Rana Tekcan is Assistant Professor of English at the Department of Comparative Literature, Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey. She works on biography as a literary genre, Jane Austen, Shakespeare, Barbara Pym, and women in modern British literature. She has published articles on Boswell, Austen, and Shakespeare, edited Turkish translations of Pride and Prejudice, Macbeth, Anthony and Cleopatra and Julius Caesar, and translated Vladimir Nabokov’s The Luzhin Defense and Charles and Mary Lamb’s Tales from Shakespeare into Turkish.

2 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Rana Tekcan

Rana Tekcan: The Biographer and the Subject
A good biography is a well-staged illusion. It creates – on paper – a vivid, rounded, and immediate sense of lived life. In contrast to purely fictional forms, biography writing does not allow total …
Rana Tekcan: Too Far for Comfort
The dynamic between the biographer and the subject is, perhaps, one of the most fascinating aspects of biography as a genre. How does the biographer stage the illusion that is the narrative life, the …