This volume investigates the ways in which Q methodology can uncover and foreground new perspectives and contribute to language education and language policy research. It demonstrates the flexibility of this research methodology in addressing dynamic and complex language issues across a variety of educational topics and geographical contexts. The chapter authors use Q methodology to explore topics such as identity, motivation, cognition, emotion, pre-service and in-service teacher beliefs and to evaluate language programmes, curricula and policies. These contributions highlight Q methodology’s potential to inform theoretical developments by revealing fresh perspectives on contemporary issues and generating new hypotheses. They foster further Q methodology research, demonstrating how it can contribute to a science of subjectivity and allow researchers to value the perspectives of all stakeholders for more inclusive research. This book will be of interest to graduate students and researchers in language education and language policy research and those in the broader field of social sciences looking to expand their knowledge of the methodology and how it can be used to study contemporary, dynamic and complex issues.
قائمة المحتويات
Joseph Lo Bianco: Foreword: A Teaching and Learning Journey with Q
Nicola Fraschini, Adrian Lundberg and Renata Aliani: Introduction: Q Methodology, Subjectivity and Language Research
Part 1: Q Methodology to Open a Window on Cognition, Motivation, Identity and Emotions
Chapter 1. Gary Bonar, Ruth Fielding and Meihui Wang: Exploring Pre-Service Language Teacher Identity Negotiation Using Q Methodology
Chapter 2. Marinella Caruso and Nicola Fraschini: Vision and Motivation of Adolescent Language Learners in Australia
Chapter 3. Akiko Fukuda: Understanding Self-Regulated Language Learning in the Context of Japanese University Students’ Self-Study
Chapter 4. Nicola Fraschini and Adrian Lundberg: Australian-Korean Multicultural Family Members’ Emotions about their Family Language Policy
Part 2: Q Methodology to Expand Research on In-Service and Pre-Service Teacher Beliefs
Chapter 5. Nicola Morea: An Investigation into Pre-Service Teachers’ Beliefs about Multilingualism Before and After Participating in an Identity-Oriented Course on Multilingualism
Chapter 6. Christof Chesini, Lukas Bleichenbacher, Mara De Zanet, Robert Hilbe and Anna Schröder-Sura: Pre-Service Teachers’ Beliefs on Crosslinguistic Teacher Education in Switzerland
Chapter 7. Chengwen Yuan: The Post-Sort Interviews in Q Methodology: L2 Chinese Teachers’ Beliefs about Motivational Teaching
Chapter 8. Yining Yang and Ke Zhao: Chinese University Teachers’ Beliefs about and Pedagogical Responses to Bilingual Teaching
Part 3: Q Methodology to Evaluate Language Education Policies and Programmes
Chapter 9. Athip Thumvichit: Q Evaluation: Potential Applications in Language Education
Chapter 10. Hyunjin Park: A Q Methodology Evaluation of a Training Programme for Community Interpreters and Translators
Chapter 11. Renata Aliani: Investigating School Principals’ Viewpoints on Languages Education
Nicola Fraschini, Adrian Lundberg and Renata Aliani: Conclusion: Thoughts on the Contribution of Q Methodology to Language Research and Looking Forward
عن المؤلف
Adrian Lundberg is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of School Development and Leadership at Malmö University, Sweden. His research focuses on investigating stakeholders’ subjective viewpoints about educational issues at the crossroads of multilingualism, equity and policy. His Q methodology research has been published in Learning and Instruction, Educational Research Review and Current Issues in Language Planning.