Richard Todd was born in the Swinging Sixties. The apple never falls far from the tree: fifty years on he lives fifteen miles from the spot of his birth. Along the way he has failed to become a landscape architect but succeeded in graduating in Philosophy and English.
To pay for sins in past lives, he works as a lawyer by day to pay the bills. By night he plays the guitar and writes as best he can.
Provided by his father with wildly inappropriate hard-boiled fiction to read as a child in the place of children’s books, the seed was sown to seek to tell tales of losers, drunks and killers.
This is his first effort to have one of those tales published.
6 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Richard Todd
Richard Todd: Time Tunnel: The Towers
The date: September 10, 2001Kyle Mason, an Army Special Forces Major, is honeymooning in So Ho with his newly wed bride. When his wife ducks out of their hotel room for coffee and a cigarette, Kyle i …
Richard Todd: Iris Murdoch
Originally published in 1984, Iris Murdoch, widely regarded as one of the major British novelists of her generation at the time, was undoubtedly one of the most popular and prolific, having published …
Richard Todd: Iris Murdoch
Originally published in 1984, Iris Murdoch, widely regarded as one of the major British novelists of her generation at the time, was undoubtedly one of the most popular and prolific, having published …
J. Lachlan Mackenzie & Richard Todd: In Other Words
No detailed description available for ‘In Other Words’. Das E-Book In Other Words wird angeboten von De Gruyter und wurde mit folgenden Begriffen kategorisiert: Meier, Hans Heinrich *1924-* …