مؤلف: Rishiraj Saha Roy

Avishek Anand is an Assistant Professor at the Leibniz Univer- sity of Hannover, Germany, and a member of the L3S Research Center, Hannover. He has also been a visiting scholar at Ama- zon Search. His research aims to develop intelligent and trans- parent machine learning approaches to help humans find rele- vant information. Specifically, he is interested in scalable and in- terpretable representation learning methods for text and graphs for problems relating to the Web and information retrieval. He holds a Ph D in Computer Science from the Max Planck Institute for Informatics (MPII), Saarbruecken, Germany. He has served in the PCs of numerous Web, IR, and NLP conferences and journals, like WSDM, SIGIR, ACL, TOIS, TKDE, and TWEB. He has served on the organizing committees of conferences like ICTIR, TPDL, Dagstuhl seminars and other summer schools. His research is sup- ported by generous grants from the German Science Foundation (DFG), EU Horizon 2020, Amazon research awards, and Schufa Holding AG.

1 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Rishiraj Saha Roy

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