A book by Robert Dilts and Robert Mc Donald, Tools of the Spirit (1997) encompasses their approach to integrating basic NLP skills and tools with higher levels of experience.
In the words of Gregory Bateson, Spirit is “the pattern which connects” all things together as a kind of “larger Mind” of which we as individuals are a subsystem.
Manifestations of the Spirit, in the form of wisdom, vision, mission and healing, are the results of acknowledging and bringing Spirit more into our lives and actions.
Fruits of the Spirit—such as love, compassion, joy and peace—are the generative and transformative results of being more in harmony with “God’s thoughts, ” i.e., the patterns of this “larger Mind.”
‘Tools’ of the Spirit are aids which bring our individual minds and nervous systems more in harmony and alignment with the “larger Mind” and “larger nervous system” of which we are members. Traditional Tools of the Spirit include such things as prayer, meditation, singing, dancing, parables, rituals, and blessings.
NLP can be considered a kind of ‘meta tool’—a tool that can create other tools of the Spirit. The vision to be explored in this book is that of using NLP to “create a world to which people want to belong” via developing skills for living in a state of impeccability. Impeccability is a state of authenticity, humility and grace guided by the awareness of change, impermanence and death.
NLP tools—such as sensory awareness, multiple perspectives, neuro-logical levels, metaphor, anchoring and time lines—can be combined with the principle of ‘positive intent’ and the core pre- suppositions of NLP to create new and effective ‘tools of the Spirit.’ These tools can allow us to bring more of the manifestations and fruits of the Spirit into our lives and to connect and participate more fully and ecologically with the larger Mind and systems of which we are a part.
Join world renowned NLP trainers and developers Robert Dilts and Robert Mc Donald and be prepared for a profound journey into the mysteries of the Spirit. This book is for those who wish to learn more about their relationship to something greater than themselves. Learn to apply leading edge NLP tools to deepen your sense of purpose, mission and belonging through processes such as:
• The Sacred Journey
• The Presence of Eternity
• Spiritual Healing
• Discovering the Shadow
• Releasing Enmeshment with the Shadow
• Archetypal Self-Parenting
• The Symbolic Rebirth Cycle
• Spiritual Renewal
And much more . . .
عن المؤلف
Robert Mc Donald is an internationally acclaimed author, trainer, speaker and consultant. He holds an M.S. in Counseling and Mental Health, and has created and presented seminars on interpersonal communication and mental health skills for over 25 years. On the business front, he co-authored NLP: The New Technology of Achievement (with Steve Andreas, et al) and Success Mastery With NLP (Nightingale-Conant audio tapes with Charles Faulkner). His contributions to psychology, NLP, and Psychoteleology TM (the study of the unending positive purposes of the mind) are intended to help resolve individual and group suffering through empowered compassion, which is the result of marrying the Heart (kindness) and the Sword (technology). In the field of psychology, Robert’s brief therapy perspectives, models, methodologies and skills are summarized in his 15 day program for practicing therapists called Healing The Wounded Heart: NLP as Brief Therapy. His many seminars range from introductory courses to highly advanced work with beliefs, identity and spirituality. As a contributor to the field of NLP, Mc Donald is a pioneer in the fields of psychotherapy, addictions, and co-dependence. He created The Releasing Emotional Enmeshment Process, the first NLP procedure to impact co-dependence and other addictions. It is featured in Steve and Connirae Andreas’ Heart of the Mind and in John Bradshaw’s Homecoming. He also created a variety of NLP processes which increase self-esteem, transform limiting beliefs, clarify personal boundaries, integrate various archetypes, and resolve interpersonal conflicts, e.g. Sanctuary, Self-Parenting and The Coupled Heart. Within Psychoteleology TM he created several models and processes which build group consciousness, establish team spirit, integrate and actualize personal potentials, clarify mission, vision, and purpose, and create a context for the manifestation of genius. Many years ago Robert, who values authenticity, humility and mercy, came to understand that his personal mission in life is to heal and be healed. His vision is to create a world filled with self-actualized individuals and groups. All of his work reflects his mission and vision and is founded on the Spiritual principle that behind every behavior, thought, feeling, fantasy, attitude and experience are universally acceptable positive purposes which often need additional modes of expression.