مؤلف: Rodney Jackson

RODNEY M. JACKSON is the founder, President, and CEO of the National Center for Black Philanthropy, Inc., incorporated in Washington, D.C. in November of 1999. Mr. Jackson is also founder of the National and Regional Conferences on Black Philanthropy that have been held biennially since March 1997. He was also editor of Moving the Agenda Forward, the Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Black Philanthropy; editor and contributing author to At the Crossroads, the Proceedings of the First National Conference on Black Philanthropy; Philanthropy and the Black Church: New Problems, New Visions; and Black Philanthropy, the Newsletter of the People, Programs and Issues in African-American Philanthropy.

3 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Rodney Jackson

Rodney Jackson: A Philanthropic Covenant with Black America
A Philanthropic Covenant will feature eight essays from several prominent African American grantmakers, scholars, activists and clergy that will examine critical elements of modern philanthropy and h …
Rodney Jackson: A Philanthropic Covenant with Black America
A Philanthropic Covenant will feature eight essays from several prominent African American grantmakers, scholars, activists and clergy that will examine critical elements of modern philanthropy and h …
Rodney Jackson: Who Ate My Cookie?
It’s time you ate a really good cookie! Here, you’ll learn the to-dos and the not-to-dos. This book is designed to take your business to its destination now! No one wants to wait forever for their bu …