مؤلف: Romilla Ready

Romilla Ready works as a trainer and executive coach. Having realised that the common denominator in any interaction – whether that causes stress or gives pleasure – is people she developed and delivers relationship Wizardry® in Business. These are workshops where her clients learn to build profitable relationships by understanding the psychology of communication. Romilla also offers a potent blend of NLP and metaphysics in her Breakthrough Coaching for executives who experience fast, powerful results. Some of the positive “side effects” experienced by Romilla”s clients are a reduction in stress and an increase in personal effectiveness. Romilla also plays matchmaker at her public workshops, Relationship Wizardry® for Singles where people learn about creating their dream relationship. Kate Burton is an executive coach and trainer who is passionate about enabling individuals and teams to communicate effortlessly and tune up their careers to be healthy and sustainable. She brings 30 years” experience to her international work with services-based business and professional firms. Her own career began in corporate advertising and marketing with Hewlett-Packard. Today she thrives on supporting people in boosting their motivation, self-awareness, and confidence. Her belief is that people all have unique talents, abilities, and core values. They just need to be focused in the best direction. Kate also co-authored the bestselling Neuro-linguistic Programming For Dummies with Romilla Ready and Building Confidence For Dummies with Brinley Platts.

8 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Romilla Ready

Romilla Ready & Kate Burton: Neuro-Linguistic Programming Workbook For Dummies
If you are one of the millions of people who have already discovered the power of NLP, Neuro-linguistic Programming Workbook For Dummies will allow you to perfect its lessons on how to think more pos …
Romilla Ready & Kate Burton: Building Rapport with NLP In A Day For Dummies
Become an effective communicator and create rapport with ease Building Rapport with NLP In a Day provides you with all the tools you need to make and break rapport and communicate effectively. Design …
Romilla Ready & Kate Burton: Building Rapport with NLP In A Day For Dummies
Become an effective communicator and create rapport with ease Building Rapport with NLP In a Day provides you with all the tools you need to make and break rapport and communicate effectively. Design …
Romilla Ready & Kate Burton: Neuro-linguistic Programming For Dummies
Turn thoughts into positive action with neuro-linguistic programming Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) has taken the psychology world by storm. So much more than just another quick-fix or a run-of-t …
Romilla Ready & Kate Burton: Neuro-linguistic Programming For Dummies
Turn thoughts into positive action with neuro-linguistic programming Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) has taken the psychology world by storm. So much more than just another quick-fix or a run-of-t …
Romilla Ready & Kate Burton: Neuro-Linguistic Programming Workbook For Dummies
If you are one of the millions of people who have already discovered the power of NLP, Neuro-linguistic Programming Workbook For Dummies will allow you to perfect its lessons on how to think more pos …
Romilla Ready & Kate Burton: NLP-Grundlagen für Dummies
Sind für Sie die drei Buchstaben NLP ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln? Die NLP-Expertinnen Kate Burton und Romilla Ready erläutern Ihnen, was Neurolinguistisches Programmieren ist und erklären anhand ansc …
Romilla Ready & Kate Burton: Neuro-Linguistisches Programmieren für Dummies
Öffnen Sie Ihr Denken für neue M??glichkeiten! M??chten Sie andere Menschen besser verstehen und sich ihnen gegenüber besser verständlich machen? Dann ist dieses Buch genau das richtige für Sie. Romi …