Paul Daly, a graduate of UCD and DCU, has worked in the Labour Party Press office. His first book was 'Creating Ireland' – a history of Irish parliamentary debates (2008). He now manages his own communications consultancy and lectures in DCU. Ronan O'Brien was Chef de Cabinet to Ruairi Quinn as Labour leader. He worked as Communications Director at the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland before becoming Special Advisor to the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Brendan Howlin T.D. Paul Rouse, formerly of Prime Time in RTE, has written extensively on Irish history and on the GAA. He teaches history at UCD and co-authored Handling Change – The Irish Bank Officials' Association with Mark Duncan, He co-wrote The GAA – A People's History (2009) and The GAA – County by County (2011) with Mark Duncan and Mike Cronin.
2 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Ronan O Brien
Paul Rouse & Paul Daly: Making the Difference?
In 2011, on the cusp of its centenary year, the Labour Party recorded its greatest ever electoral success, with 37 TDs elected and a President. In doing so the party has succeeded, temporarily at lea …
Ronan O’Brien: Confessions of a Fallen Angel
Following a near-death experience as a child, the narrator becomes cursed with the ability to foresee the deaths of the people closest to him. These visions come to him in his dreams and, following a …