Written by experts in the field, many of whom took part in the Galileo mission, the book reviews the basics about Io and its unique space environment. Coverage includes all subjects, where the Galilio mission has shed new light on, with some emphasis on Io’s most remarkable characteristics: its active volcanism. Written primarily for planetary scientists this book will also benefit volcanologists in general and newcomers wishing to specialize in this field of research.
قائمة المحتويات
A history of the exploration of Io.- A summary of the Galileo mission and its observations of Io.- Formation and early evolution of Io.- The interior of Io.- Ionian mountains and tectonics: Insights into what lies beneath Io’s lofty peaks.- Active volcanism: Effusive eruptions.- Plumes and their deposits.- Io’s surface composition.- Io’s atmosphere.- Io’s neutral clouds, plasma torus, magnetospheric interaction.- Outstanding questions and future explorations.